
Well, I had Radiance because my upper lip was real thin and I have a small mouth, I think anyway, so it needed to be fuller and I just plumped up the top part. I had some lines coming in too, so it really helped. I wanted to go in and get my Botox procedure, I read up on Radiance, and so I made an appointment to come in and to try that. And I was really happy with that result too. It's not as involved as surgery, obviously, and you get instant results. There was little, minor swelling with it, but that went away within that day basically and I would say within two to three days, it's like the creases that were there were just totally plumped out and I looked years younger. Dr. Simon Ouria ermal fillers will fill in the wrinkles around your mouth, around your jaws, around your eyes, and any place on your face that you have wrinkles. And I was noticing a little shadow here and all I had to do was do this, pull it back, and I noticed what a difference it was. When I came in to have it filled with Restylane, it was exactly what I expected and it was easy, and it lasts a really long time. I just had a little bit of, I thought, caving in down here and I wanted to fill that in a little bit. And that was like amazing. I had instant results as soon as I left. I was a little swollen, but buy the next day, it was very smooth and I had absolutely zero lines. It was filled in. The Radiance takes no time at all. I mean, in two minutes, that's it. After a treatment, I feel like I have a new lease on life and I just feel joyful. I really do. It really changes my mindset because I don't feel self-conscious. I feel like I can go out and conquer the world.