Skin Aging - What are the early signs of aging?

Early signs of sun damage in the 20s and 30s are these very fine lines that start developing which are partly sun, partly movement, there are some changes in pigmentation, blotchy pigmentation of the skin; it doesn't look as nice and even as before in terms of color. The texture of the skin changes, it's somewhat not as smooth, it's a bit rougher and it doesn't reflect light so well so it has this dull sort of appearance, and as we move on, the pigmentation gets worse, the fine lines become wrinkles especially with the mechanical movements around the eyes, the general sagging of the skin where we develop these lines around here, and slowly there is a progression through time. Something that we don't realize is that the central part of the our skin gets thinner and somewhat sunken in. The lower half of the face gains volume while the middle part loses volume. So, tt's a gradual sort of drift over time through normal wear and tear and aging. Sun exposure is probably the most significant aspect, and then our lines and wrinkles will be influenced by our general mood and expressions. As they say, these lines really are a monument to how we've lived our lives. So I think it's a whole global effect. In terms of what jumps out, it's irregular pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles are the things that are most obvious. The single most obvious thing is the pigmentation--it comes early.