Skin Car cne ow to Treat Acne With Honey

Hi I'm Kim with Simply Beautiful in Austin, Texas. Let's talk about how to treat acne with honey. I know it sounds kind of strange, it is counter intuitive, but honey is one of the best things that you can put on your skin if you have acne because honey acts as a natural antibiotic so any of the redness or the infection that you might have around that acne, it is going to help to reduce. So as per our usual regimen I want you to cleanse your skin with the appropriate cleanser, something for normal combination or oily skin because people with dry skin don't tend to break out too much but if you are dry use the right cleanser. Tone your skin with an alcohol free toner, get your skin damp with the toner. So with your skin a little bit moist from the toner because the honey is sticky so if your skin is a little bit moist it won't stick to your skin, it won't be as difficult. We are going to take it on a cotton ball. You can use your fingers but just spread it on, spread it on pretty thickly. Honey also acts as a skin softener so your skin is going to feel really really soft as well as reducing the infection in your skin and the redness. You can do this as often as you like during the week but I would think maybe two or three times a week and we are just talking about a teaspoon of honey for your whole face. Now you don't have to put it on very thickly. It is going to be effective if you put it on thinner, you know the little bottles of the teddy bear honey. Just a little bit of that all over. I would think leave it on for ten minutes, ten to fifteen minutes and then wash it off. Use your same toner, same soap that you washed your face in the beginning to wash it off. Splash that after you have gotten it completely clear, splash that with a little cool water and then follow that with cold water but whatever treatment you have on next I would say do it at night before you go to bed. So then put your Benzol Peroxide on afterwards. Have a great night's sleep and you'll see that the honey is really effective for your acne.