10 Acne Facts - Part 1 | Understanding The Causes Of Acne

Acne Facts 10 Acne No More Facts Part One An easy to understand guide about what exactly? Acne is a skin condition which affects a person's skin sebaceous glands. Small holes inside your skin (pores) interact with oil glands underneath the skin. The pores are connected to the glands by way of a canal known as a follicle. Within the follicles, oil transports dead skin debris to the skin surface.. A narrow hair grows up by way of the follicle and out to one's skin As soon as the follicle of the skin gland becomes blocked, a new pimple develops. Nearly all Acne pimples tend to be located on the face, back, neck, upper chest and shoulders. Acne disorders are not so much a critical health threat, but nonetheless, can cause pain, discomfort, misery, scars and even lead to depression! Thank you for watching Acne Facts - Part One! 10 Facts About Acne Thanks for watching Acne Facts - Part 1