Skin Care Advice ow to Reduce Acne Naturally

Hi I'm Kim with Simply Beautiful in Austin, Texas and we are going to talk to you about how to reduce acne naturally. So acne is a difficult problem but there are some things that you can do without having to go to the store and get lots of chemical products to dry up your acne. The number one and best and easiest and least expensive thing you can do is drink lots of water. Also get plenty of rest and keep your hands away from your face because there is lots of bacteria on your face when you transfer it to your face, you'll have more acne. Change your pillow cases every other night or every third night because you want to keep that bacteria from your skin, that's really important. A great way to, a natural antibiotic that people don't know about that I just love for the skin is honey. Honey works really well to just keep that skin from being infected so we are just going to take a little honey and we are just going to put it on, Alena doesn't have any acne but we are just going to pretend she does and although it is sticky it is really effective. So just leave it on there, five or ten minutes, let the antibiotic properties of the honey go to work and then rinse it off. Keep a sun screen on you at all times to reduce scarring. How to reduce acne naturally.