Skin Care Products and Skin Care Treatment

bjbjLULU Femal i guys. Today I m going to show you my skin care treatment that I like to use. And I m also going to show you the skin care products that I like to use. And first I m going to show you the skin care products, and then I m going to show you how I apply my skin care treatment. Hi everyone, I m back, and now I m going to show you the skin care products that I actually use to clean my skin. You re not going to believe this, but I actually recorded this entire video already, but I forgot to push record. So, now I have to go through and do it again. This time for the benefit of the camera. All right, so, the very skin care product that I have is Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash. And this has pink grapefruit sense to it, I think it also has pink grapefruit in it. And it s a cream cleanser, meaning that it is not soapy, it s sort of like a lotion on your face. So, if you re used to your skin feeling like fresh, I don t want to say fresh, but I want to say like that smooth, clean feeling after you wash your face, you re not going to have that with is, because it feels like there is actually lotion on your skin when you re done. Because it seems like it has some kind of oils in it. This also has salicylic acid in it, and that is good for acne, and I use it because I do get black heads around my nose. And if you have black heads, then you want to use the cleanser with salicylic acid because it is going to deep cleanse your pores, break up oil, and eliminate clogs. OK, so, that is what I use for daily washing on a normal basis, but sometimes I use Pore Refining Cleanser, also by Neutrogena. And the Pore Refining Cleanser will leave your skin feeling much cleaner. And actually much cleaner in general, because I ve noticed, after I cleanse and I used the Astringent with the pink grapefruit one, sometimes the cotton swab is not clean on the first path. The reason why I don t use this every day is because it has micro beads in it. And to me the abrasion is just too much for every single day. But sometimes when I feel like I want to get a cleaner clean, I would mix the two together, or sometimes I would substitute with the Pore Refining Cleanser. Once I m done my cleanse, I use Neutrogena s Clear Pore Oil Eliminating Astringent. And I don t think I would use this again, I mean I don t thing I would buy another bottle. In fact, when I m using this I m saturating the cotton swab, because I really want to get a rid of it as quickly as possible, because it is just too strong for my skin. But it does have salicylic acid which I use, like I said, to get rid of the blackheads on my nose, and also I get cystic acne. And cystic acne is, if you ve never heard of it, it s like when you get an acne, you get acne, but the acne forms underneath your skin, it never comes to a head, it only stays beneath the skin, and it s like a really hard painful lump. And they re very irritating, and very annoying, and very hard to resist picking with it. But if you pick with it, you will get dark marks on your skin. And I have dark marks on my skin, I don t get it on my face very often, in fact I haven t really had it in a while, but a couple of times I did get it on my face, I did pick it, and it did leave a mark. I have tons of them on my chest. I don t know if you can see all those dark marks, but they re really terrible, and that is the reason why I got this. Ambi Fade Cream. And I use the Ambi Fade Cream on my chest area, and here, and here where I have some dark marks from the acne, and also recently I developed these, they look like birth marks, but they re not. I m not really sure why I got this dark marks. But I want to get rid of them. So, I decide that I m going to tray this, and hopefully it s going to work. I ve been using it for about 2 weeks now. And they say that, if you use it for 3 months and you don t see any change to stop using it, so I m guessing that you use it for 3 months before you may see results. OK, I m back. The reason why I had to stop and start, is because I m recording this with my camera, and when you re in live mode you can not zoom in, so that s why I had to stop and start and refocus, and also why I m out of focus in the last video. So, now I am going to show you the actual process of my skin care treatment, and show you how I use my skin care products. And I start with the Oil Free Acne Wash. It says oil free, which is funny, because it actually feels like there is oil in it. And when you re washing your skin, it feels a really good to use nice, hot water, but you do not want to do that, because it is terrible for your skin. You want to keep the water warm, or tapping. And if possible finish up with the cold rinse, because that really helps to tight in your pores. All right, so, I ll start off, I ll wait for the water to get warm, I usually want to wash my hands first, because I feel like I m getting really in touch with my skin, and if I have any type of bacterial product, or anything on my hand, I can get rid of it before I cleanse my skin. And I like to wet my skin, all over. And apply the product to my hand. About that much, you really don t need that much, and you can see it s pink, because it s great fruity. And then, I add a little bit more water. And worked it into a lather. It says lather, but this stuff doesn t really lather up. Like I was saying before. But, when I get it to a consistency like that, I apply it on my skin. And you want to be very gentle with your skin. You don t want to be really harsh with it, you know, you want to keep your motions firm but gentle. You want to make sure that you also do underneath. Add water as you need it, and then I begin to work the product into my skin, and you want to be sure that you re using firm, but gentle circular motions, and you want to work up and out. Up and out. You don t want to pull down on your skin. This will cause sagging and aging. And I like to do everything. I do my lips, my cheeks, and I work up and out, got to do my nose, I do my nose really good, because that is where I m proven to getting blackheads. So, I make sure I get that area rally good. Also, the pores are very large on my nose, and they tend to be oily, because I m oily in my T-zone. So I like to make sure that I do that area really good. And if I weren t doing this video I would be going right over my eyes and everything. Now, sometimes I would mix these 2 together, the Oil Frame but I m not going to do that today. And once you re done cleansing your face, you rinse, and when I say rinse I do mean thoroughly, you want to make sure that you remove all products from your skin. Because, just like on your hair, product build up can make your skin ??? and lifeless. As well as bring your skin back to a healthy PH. So, you just want to swap your skin all around, and look for any sign of dirt and oil. It s really most of the time not dirt, because you did just clean your skin. But sometimes it can be dirt if you didn t clean your skin properly, but most times it s dead skin cells, as you can see, I don t know if you can see it, but especially when I go around in here, that s where I start to pick up some traces. And that usually is just a dead skin, that needs to be exfoliated. But, I like to use my Astringent until my cotton swab is perfectly clean. So, sometimes I ll do it twice. And that do the trick. Make sure you get under your face, I mean under your chin, and also you should do your neck as well. I didn t do it for this video, but I usually do it when I do my Astringent. OK, so that s it for cleansing. And now it s time for moisturizing. But first I would use my Ambi, and I use just a little tiny drop, and just that one little drop will do all my areas. So, I like to use it on both dark marks, and then a little here, and a little in this area here, because I have some general acne scaring. I think this can cause me to have pimples. I m not sure, I think like I got a little, tiny bit of pimples in one area. Not the cystic acne, just a regular pimples, but they seem to go away quickly. But I just rub that in, until it s faded into the skin. And I would also usually apply it to my chest as well, but I m not going to do that right now. And then once I ve got that over a ???, it is time to apply my moisturizer. And they say to you just like a little beat, but I like to apply it generously. And again, remember to go up and out. Make sure you get your lips. And your nose, gentle around your eye area. And there you have it. You can see that this does leave me a little bit oily, but it s night time, I m not going out, so, I don t mind. But, there you have it, that s my regimen for a healthy skin care treatment, and all of the skin care products that I like to use. And I m always looking for the next new things, and if you have something that you think it s better, or is working great for you, especially if you have any dark marks that you re trying to get rid off, let me know about those, leave me a comment, drop me a line in my message box, and you know, let me know what s working for you. Hope you enjoyed this little visual tutorial and I ll see you again next time. Bye. Page PAGE of NUMPAGES hKob hn3E hn3E hKob hn3E " ur hemas-microsoft-co fic arttags place ur hemas-microsoft-co fic arttags State uSeR Vivarant Microsoft Office Word Freedompreneur Coaching & Consulting Title Microsoft Office Word Document MSWordDoc Word.Document.8