Hi I'm Kelli, I'm an aestetician and makeup artist at Ulta Salon and Cosmetics and I'm going to give you some tips on things that you can do to get rid of bags under the eye in a day. One thing that you can do is you can go to the grocery store, buy a cucumber, cut off some slices and slap them on the eyes, let them sit there until you feel the coolness wear off. Cucumber's have a really great soothing, and hydrating affect on the eye areas, that can really help to calm down any puffiness. Another thing that you could do is actually brew some chamomile tea and set the tea bags on the eye, make sure they're not too hot before you put them there, but once you let them cool down, you can kind of just sit them there, and that really helps to calm down a lot of the puffiness as well. There's a lot of good eye creams on the market too that you can get. Pure Minerals is one brand that makes a really great de-puffing serum for the eyes, and using a good eye cream every day can insure that you don't wake up with puffy eyes. This is a really good one by Kinerase, it helps with dark circles and puffiness. So if you continue to use that in your daily skin care regimen, twice a day, you probably won't wake up with puffy eyes. So those are some tips that you can use to get rid of bags under the eye in a day.