Hi! My name is Yvettte Parrish and thank you for visiting expertvillage.com. I am here at Cynergy Dance Studio in San Antonio, Texas. What I am going to do is prep her skin a little bit and I am using kind of like a gel based and this is going to help make everything go on smoother, last longer. You can use a moisturizer. This is called Dr. Feel Good from Benefit Cosmetics. I really like how it applies. It comes with a sponge so you don't have to use your fingers for this but it feels good on the skin. Now I will apply it all over. I know it looks invisible but it will make the foundation go on really smooth and pretty. Everyone has flaws and blemishes on their face. How you cover it and how much product you use is what makes it look different. It makes you look from professional to make you look sloppy with makeup application.