My 5 beauty secrets! Tips against acne/pimples and for a well-groomed appearance! Hey guys! Hey, hi, in the last time we've met each other so often when I'm on the way out, that's the reason why I'm wearing a jacket. But I didn't want to give up the chance to make this video. It's requested very often and since I've put it in my video-upload schedule. I'm gonna link it there and feel free to check out the video subject and tell me which one you like to watch most. There I got a video-upload schedule and it's up to you to decide which video interests you most and I can decide with you, which video subject will come next. I imagine that I'd talk too fast and can't breathe anymore =D I wanted to tell you my 5 beauty secrets. At the end of the video they are no secrets anymore. But I think really everybody of you using these secrets will notice a difference, it's about lot's of body areas. NOT about these things down!! Well, I wish you lots of fun with the video, if you like the video because I did my best, feel free to give a thumb up and favor it, that would be great. And you can write a comment when you like to see my videos, so which 2 days are the best for you, let me know that, because I'm trying to make at least one video the week and I think a video-upload schedule can help to make videos more efficient for you. Therefore I like to agree on 2 days with you, write a comment and I'll see on which days you are online the most, and so on... So, let me know that because that would help me a lot. Enjoy the video and let's do this =) Let's get to my very first beauty tip and this tip is about well hair, skin and nails. I can recommend it to everybody suffering under acne and tried to clean the skin for a long time. That is drinking lots of water. I have bought a cup because I like drinking it from such a cup than from a glass, I don't know why it has to do with my mind and when water tastes too dull then turn it into cool drinking. You can always take it away and it's handy all the time and you can pad it all the time. This year I'm trying to pass on lemonades and sweet stuff, of course you can allow you a little bit for some time, but you should drink at least 4/5 of these cups the day and if you don't like to drink the normal way, drink that way, because drinking stylish is more fun than just drink from a boring glass. Drink water, your skin will thank you, it will look more healthy and it helps to clean your body from the inside. My nest secret is for doing something against reddened skin, to refresh you and your mouth area. That's a super simple natural tip and that's green tea from a teabag. I'm using bio green tea because what you apply on your skin shouldn't be very chemical therefore bio green tea and what I'm doing is watering it that way and leave it drawing for 8 minutes. Afterwards I'm filling it into the diffuser. The diffuser should be as full as possible. Then I'm putting it into the fridge for a while and then it's ready to use! This is a good tip because you can fill the diffuser with tea and then you can use it up to a week. Of course you should put it into the fridge again, after using it, then it's durable up to a week. In summer it's good to refresh yourself and especially for oily skind and acne it's perfect to relieve the skin Even for dry skin it moistures the skin and soothes it, especially when you have acne, green tea is known for its healthful and antibacterial effect. That's why you can use it as mouth spray because it removes bacteria in your mouth. That's good for refreshing yourself and check it out, you can buy diffusers everywhere cheaply in the internet for 4-5โฌ. Therefore my tip and beauty secret, I use it all the time =) My next beauty secret is using facial brushes and since my last pimples-video I've got so much feedback, "Since I've used a facial brush my skin became much better Sami!" You should replace your facial brush every 2 months and you should clean it with water after using it. Believe me, it removes much more debris and your skin will be better cleaned. It helps to shrink pores and thus you should use facial brushes, they're super soft and they remove pimples and blackheads perfectly. The next tips goes for all of you who can't do enough for their hair, suffering under scales and dry scalp, spliss and a hair you like to grow again. I can suggest this tip because I'm using it one time the week, I can do a hair routine, so let me know if you wanna have this video, what I'm doing to avoid hair loss. What you need is aluminum foil and olive oil. You'll think "Why aluminum foil and olive oil?!" It really depends on the technique to achieve the effect you wanna have. The only thing you have to do is washing your hair and drying it, I use to fool about when doing tutorials and then applying the olive oil on your hair. Finally massaging it into your hair, that's good for circulation and it spreads the oil very good. Afterwards just wrap the aluminum foil like a helmet around your hair and then take a wool cap on your head to warm up the oil. And then you can do some gangster sh*t - not =D Anyway just wait 5 minutes and do an Instagram photo for example and by the way you can follow me on Instagram and then use your hairdryer so that you can release the active ingredients. Then your hair looks very healthy and you'll get a difference, you'll get smooth hair with less spliss, your scalp will thank you, you'll have less scales and the head massage helps stimulating the blood flow, that helps avoiding hair loss. Last but not least my last beauty secret is eating healthily. That's one of my goals for the year, eating less sweet things and more fruits & vegetables and all in all eating less meat. Let's put it this way, "you are what you eat" is completely right, because if I would still eat this - and we have a lot of that at home =D You'll notice a difference, if I just eat candies, even I would eat pimples because my skin will get back at me like "Hey, the things you're eating is unhealthy!", by making me pimples. And I'm getting a lot of pimples in my whole face and that doesn't look good. You really are what you eat and just try to keep it for a month, eat bananas and other fruits you have at home, instead of candies. But try to abandon sweet things for a month. Remember my words, you'll notice the difference and in a month you're going to get back to the video and tell me if it worked. I'm sure that it will work and I can advise to test the tips I've named in the video. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the video. Hope you enjoyed watching the viedo like I enjoyed making it. I hope that I could help you, give the video a thumb up if you liked it and see you next video =) Don't forget to subscribe for more tips & tricks and if you're interested in my outfits and what I use to wear you're welcome to check out my blog... Check out the information down below and my last video. See you