Ultracavitation Fat Reduction

Today we are going to be doing the ultracavitation and radio frequency for you and we're also going to do some lymphatic massage. It should be somewhat relaxing. You'll have some warming sensation but nothing uncomfortable. Again, totally non-invasive. We're going to heat up the cells and we're going to create some activity in that fat cell and then we're going to warm them up with the radio frequency and we're going to allow them to leech out of the cell and then it's going to drain out through your lymphatic system. So it's really a non-invasive form of liposuction. We're going to have you lay down with your shirt off since we'll be targeting the abdomen and the haunches. The premise of it and what you're doing is you're not damaging any of the surrounding tissue. It's completely non-invasive. What we did, the first thing we did was the lymphatic massage. So what we're going to do with this ultracavitation โ€“ that was the larger hand piece โ€“ you're getting the fat cells stimulated. You're getting them excited. They start bumping into each other and moving around and they actually heat up. This is the radio frequency which heats them up further and excites them to leech out basically out through the cell. The liquefied fat. The lymphatic massage that we did before is causing it to be transported out of the body via the lymphatic system Lymphatic massage is about long strokes. This is just doing it for you with the hand piece. It's definitely more consistent with the level of penetration.