Wart Treatment for Warts on Face Remedies

Warts can be removed with one easy fifteen minute treatment at home The wart removal kit contains all you require to remove twenty to thirty warts and skin healing cream containing pearl oil Here we have a gentleman with a very large wart on his forehead he's very aware of it and has tried many times to remove it without success until now after cleaning the area with a sterile pad here we can see the emery board being used to roughen the surface of the skin to allow the active ingredients to penetrate into the body of the wart to destroy it the applicator is used to coat the wart with the black solution a mild stinging sensation is normal at this stage any excess cream should be wiped away the cream is left in place for fifteen minutes and will turn white in some cases a second application may be needed if the wart is old and thick we can see as the area is cleaned that the wart has changed color the healing cream containing pearl oil is then apply it to the treated area and surrounding skin after twenty four hours the what has become darker these close-up images show how the wart gradually shrinks over the next few days after second application the wart becomes even smaller and sheds it's layers until finally there is no wart at all after six weeks there is no scar whatsoever no sign of the large wart at all all ingredients are one hundred percent natural purchase your kit today