Why Waxing Causes Ingrown Hairs [DermTV.com Epi #73]

When we discuss techniques for getting rid of unwanted hair whether its body hair or facial hair, long before we had lasers, waxing was and still is a very popular technique. Albeit, a temporary technique of hair removal but it still is very popular for many reasons. It’s easy, it’s fast and it’s relatively inexpensive. The real problem that women have though, from waxing, is that sometimes waxing causes ingrown hairs. Usually it happens in either the bikini area or the upper thigh and that’s probably because of the coarseness or thickness of the hairs there and when you get ingrown you get this unsightly red, painful, bumps or pimples. The real problem though, is that once a hair is in-growing, it’s always in-growing. That’s means your ingrown hair after a while pops out, the bumps goes away, but three months later, when that hair starts to grow again, it’s going to be ingrown again and that’s even if you stop waxing. Let me show you what’s happening. We’re going to build your own little human hair follicle today. So, this is actually the bulb or the hair follicle that the hair grows from and attached to this, going up to the skin is a tube and this tube helps get the hair up to the surface. Inside this tube, there’s actually a lining and that lining is very, very important at guiding the hair up to the surface of the skin. Here of course if our requisite hair and that hair has to come out through a hole in the skin so that the hair has a way of actually exiting the body. When you wax, you pull the hair out very rapidly and that very rapid pulling actually disrupts this very important lining and if the lining is gone then the next time that hair wakes up and has to grow again it doesn’t have its path to get out through the skin. So if we rebuild our little model, the next time this hair starts to grow it doesn’t have that lining to guide it, it doesn’t have that path. So look what happens, it is no longer going towards the hole, it comes up against the inside of the skin and this is what causes your ingrown, it’s got no way to get out. Now, this doesn’t happen every time women wax but if it does happen to you and you’re getting these ingrown form waxing, then the solution is laser hair removal because the laser will kill that root so it can no longer produce a hair and have that misguided hair coming up. And by the way, once you’ve done laser hair removal to control ingrown from waxing, you’ll probably decide that laser hair removal is the superior way to go to control all of your unwanted hair.