Fraxel Repair, Skin Resurfacing, Seattle Area, WA

Dr. Crai e're going to do fraxel repair by Solta Medical. In which, the fractionated CO2 laser's going to allow for a complete resurfacing of the epithelium and stimulating the dermis. So it's regenerated by improving the skin texture, tone, fine lines and wrinkles. And also, getting some of those deeper pigmentations changes that the IPL was unable to get. So we're going to do that. And what she may feel, during this procedure, a little heat. And that's why we added topical to begin with and gave her some of the local anesthetic on the underlying filler substance and try to make this a little more comfortable for her. The nice part about fractionated CO2 is the fact that it leaves energy that comes in microbes, micro probes, that go down into the dermis. Stimulates it but leaves some of the normal tissue, so it allows the regeneration to be much quicker. The old CO2 is 100% ablative where all the tissue is completely removed and took about twelve to fourteen days of resurfacing to occur. This all resurfacing is almost going to be completely done within the next day or two. So that's what makes it excellent, short-term downtime and recovery to be able to be having makeup and stuff applied within a three to five day period. A hydrating mask on, by Epionce, that's one of medical grade components of skin care that we use for her recovery. This is part of the healing component, to making sure we have a semi-occlusive membrane over top, allowing for a complete resurfacing without minimizing healing. But also promoting the reduction of redness and inflammation to get a smooth resurfacing to occur. Speaker o what are you doing? Dr. Crai e're just using a chiller, or cool air, and just kind of cool the tissues and make it a little more comfortable and dissipate the heat, if the skin is received from the laser. And this is the hydrating mask they're replacing to help facilitate resurfacing of the tissue. It cools the tissues, allows the tissues to resurface with minimal inflammation and reduction of the redness.