I have had so many questions from viewers and patients about the Clarisonic skin cleansing system that I would like to clear the air about the Clarisonic by telling what it is, how it works, what it does and what it doesn't do. As I bet you've figured out, this is the Clarisonic skin cleansing device and it comes with several round soft bristle brushes. When you activate it, the brushes start to vibrate very quickly, so quickly that I bet you probably can't see it although I bet you can hear it. It's somewhat analogous to the electric toothbrush and as a matter of fact the people who developed the electric toothbrush developed Clarisonic. In order to use it, you wet your face, put some gentle cleanser on it and then you take the Clarisonic and gently massage your face like this. The Clarisonic is a very effective and efficient cleansing device for your skin, so much so that it may even get your skin so clean that it helps the absorption of other things that you put on your skin. But what its no 22It's not an exfoliator. A lot of people are confused and think that this is an at home exfoliation system and it's not. It is an at home device to help cleanse your skin. What is controversial are some of the claims that are made by the company, such as it helps clear up dry spots, oily spots, helps with fine lines and wrinkles and even helps acne blemishes. If you are willing to spend $22 for this nifty skin cleansing device, than I will let you decide for yourself if it does all those other things.
What the Clarisonic Is and Isn't [DermTV.com Epi #48]
I have had so many questions from viewers and patients about the Clarisonic skin cleansing system that I would like to clear the air about the Clarisonic by telling what it is, how it works, what it does and what it doesn't do. As I bet you've figured out, this is the Clarisonic skin cleansing device and it comes with several round soft bristle brushes. When you activate it, the brushes start to vibrate very quickly, so quickly that I bet you probably can't see it although I bet you can hear it. It's somewhat analogous to the electric toothbrush and as a matter of fact the people who developed the electric toothbrush developed Clarisonic. In order to use it, you wet your face, put some gentle cleanser on it and then you take the Clarisonic and gently massage your face like this. The Clarisonic is a very effective and efficient cleansing device for your skin, so much so that it may even get your skin so clean that it helps the absorption of other things that you put on your skin. But what its no 22It's not an exfoliator. A lot of people are confused and think that this is an at home exfoliation system and it's not. It is an at home device to help cleanse your skin. What is controversial are some of the claims that are made by the company, such as it helps clear up dry spots, oily spots, helps with fine lines and wrinkles and even helps acne blemishes. If you are willing to spend $22 for this nifty skin cleansing device, than I will let you decide for yourself if it does all those other things.