Natural Remedies for Your Skin that Don't Work [ Epi #523]

All of western drugs are historically rooted in plant products and extracts. People often refer to plant-derived products as natural remedies. Fast forward 100 years and it's easy to forget these humble beginnings from which modern drugs evolved. Coming full circle, today more people are seeking natural remedies for their problems because of dissatisfaction with the results of conventional medicines, or because of their expense. In the more than 11,000 questions I have received from DermTV viewers, many of them ask for natural treatments for problems for which even conventional drugs fail. Today, I'm going to share the categories of skin issues for which natural remedies just won't work. Hello, I'm Dr. Neal Schultz And welcome to DermTV. Lets start with viewers who ask for natural remedies to fix scars. One asked, How do you remove chicken pox scars naturally and effectively without any use of pills or surgery? Another said, My acne has left me with big pores and scars. Please recommend products from my kitchen which I can use to cure them. A reality check says, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. If products from your kitchen could fix scars, everyone would know about them! Then some viewers ask for natural products to remove moles and growths. How can I get rid of a flat, dark brown mole on my nose at home? Or failed attempts, I have a flat, dark brown mole under my eye, near my nose. I tried removing it with garlic but it only gets lighter and then gets darker little by little. Sounds to me like we're back to the kitchen! And then the viewer who literally took things into her own hands. I scratched a mole off of my upper abdomen to remove it. It's since grown back with a pinkish, brownish color. Should I be worried that it is cancer? That sort of bridges us into the people who want the results of surgery from natural products for other problems. For example, one viewer asked, A few years ago my earlobe split and since then I still haven't gotten it fixed. Is there some way to fix it without getting surgery? Is there a home remedy that would heal the ear? All of these have a common them 26Searching for Natural Products for surgical problems for which even conventional medicines don't exist. Sadly, no skincare productsโ€ฆ natural, homeopathic, or western are going to fix sunken in scars, remove growths or moles safely, or effectively heal disrupted skin. Sure you can remove skin tags with string, scissors, and even caustic chemicals, but they all invite infection, scarring, and more disappointment... at best. I have a deep interest and belief in alternative medicine and have incorporated many essential oils into my topical skincare products. But the bottom line isโ€ฆ Don't expect natural remedies to work in any of the situations I discussed in this episode because they can't change or fix the structure of your skin.