>>JUSTI I'm Justin Spring. I first started uh kind of breaking out probably when I was 14 and then of course into college actually it got pretty bad. Typically when I break out it would always be around my mouth. Well, I mean break outs suck. Just like going out and being social. I am a really outgoing person. I like hanging out with friends and meeting girls and new people. It kind of puts you on hold a little bit. You know? >>JUSTI I first heard about Proactiv on commercials. When I first started using it I immediately saw results within a week, week and a half. It's funny you know, it is like how do you feel about your skin? I'm kind of impartial about it. I don't think about it anymore, which is the best part. It is kind of a part I don't dwell on anymore about myself.
Proactiv Can Save Your Social Life - Real Stories
>>JUSTI I'm Justin Spring. I first started uh kind of breaking out probably when I was 14 and then of course into college actually it got pretty bad. Typically when I break out it would always be around my mouth. Well, I mean break outs suck. Just like going out and being social. I am a really outgoing person. I like hanging out with friends and meeting girls and new people. It kind of puts you on hold a little bit. You know? >>JUSTI I first heard about Proactiv on commercials. When I first started using it I immediately saw results within a week, week and a half. It's funny you know, it is like how do you feel about your skin? I'm kind of impartial about it. I don't think about it anymore, which is the best part. It is kind of a part I don't dwell on anymore about myself.