Accutane treatment for acne. By F. Ringpfeil MD., a Philadelphia Dermatologist

the taken with I said to know I'm also known as accutane has become extremely controversial I go up as a dermatologist after accutane has Rd been on the market for a short period of time and I can absolutely attest to the fact that accutane works I apologize for using the trade name all the time but that's what most people equate with the with the actual use up this word so accutane if the medication that has the ability in about 75 percent of all people take it to stop the Acme once and for good yes that 25 percent at home it does not work this way on the witness at the Acme they are very very vs in areas in which it actually fair but as I said seventy-five percent of our people who take one cause a package came we no longer have Acme in their life accutane works by couple of different mechanisms and it has become here focus point in the media because of its one extremely important side effect what does accutane do where does not stop Acme if you are a woman and you are pregnant and you are exposed to accutane by taking and chances are that unborn where develop birth defects days absolutely no reason to think that if you're a woman and you take accutane and you become pregnant at some point of time down the road that there would be any birth defects it teratogenic aged it means you have to be pregnant and take accutane in order to develop that that has led the media the lawyers and sociable apps to believe that accutane can do so many other threat for things yes it's the medication it's highly monitored because potentially anybody could become pregnant there are so many thieves cut and paste and we find ourselves more and more curtailed in prescribing accutane but let me tell you it is one of me best monitored medications it requires blood test every month eight-week wyeth office visits before you can even get you no perscription but because the all of that safeguarding at paine pace it is actually one of the safest medication women need to have pregnancy test every month including to test even before the start of the treatment that I one month apart and the treatment course is usually five to six months most people are done in five months of treatment and you must not become pregnant when you're a woman for the month after but after that payment is absolutely safe and there's no risk of developing breast effects accutane is 8 total lifesaver for so many people with severe cystic acne it is usually an insurance covered service I'm like photodynamic therapy which is due not regarded however may come in the future accutane treatment makes it possible to avoid scarring acne as long as the scars have not deeply formed however me even I'm do some of the freshly formed Mary Mason scars