Murad ight with your Acne! (2)

a 30 day Acne Complex? kit for only $29.95. That's less than a dollar a day for the clear healthy skin you've always wanted. I mean I've tried everything that they have on the market to try and clear my skin and nothing has worked for me and Acne Complex? got my skin clear within 3 weeks. Plus call in the next 18 minutes and we'll send you $60 worth of free gifts, bonus number 1 is a Murad customer favorite, The clarifying mask, perfect for reducing pore size and absorbing ugly blackheads. You'll also get the acne spot treatment it's a Murad best seller for zapping pimples overnight. I don't even know, I don't care how it works, it, it just works, it's amazing. We'll also send you Acne 101 your personal guide to clear healthy skin in just four weeks. Loaded with tips and special skin care advice from Dr. Murad himself. You can even track your own results, every step of the way. And you'll always feel great knowing that all of your Murad bottles are 100% recyclable. But hold everything, call right now and we'll upgrade your order to express delivery, that's an additional $15 value absolutely free, instead of waiting 3-4 weeks you can start getting clear healthy skin in just 3-5 business days guaranteed. Best of all your order today is absolutely risk free with Murad's 60 Day Bottom-of-the-Bottle money back guarantee. If you don't see clear healthy skin just like the people you've seen on this program, simply return the products for a full refund of the purchase price, even if the bottles are empty. Keep the free gifts just for trying Acne Complex?. This special TV offer is not available in stores so join 2 million satisfied customers and order Acne Complex? right now. I wouldn't talk to boys I mean look it, look at my before picture c'mon, you know I had a pizza face, that was actually something I was called, it was embarrassing, didn't have a lot of confidence, didn't have just a really good self image, I didn't feel pretty. I got clear in under 4 weeks and that was 3 years ago and I've been clear ever since. My skin now is really soft there's no bumps there's no flakes it's not over oily it's great. I was definitely skeptical trying something new because I'd tried so many other products that just didn't work and just made my skin red and irritated, I just thought my skin was terrible and there was no helping it. Acne Complex? completely transformed my skin, I have no redness no breakouts. I never thought that I'd ever be approached to be a model or any photo shoots anything I was always the behind the camera type of girl. Acne Complex? has given me a lot of opportunities that I never thought I would have if I was still that introverted hurt girl that I was 3 years ago. I took the Clear Skin Challenge and it worked. If you're skeptical about trying another acne product, check out my before picture, this is me 3 years later and I haven't had a problem ever since. We hear from people everyday at Murad who think, maybe my skin is dirty, maybe I'm not washing it enough, maybe I'm just doing the wrong thing, the reality is its not your fault if you have acne. Chances are you just haven't found the right product yet. The problem with other products that are treating acne is that they're treating the pimple, well there's one pimple here but what about the rest of your skin? My system treats the whole person treats the skin makes the skin healthy. What's special about Acne Complex? is that while it's formulated to heal your breakout its also calming soothing and hydrating your skin at the same time. My philosophy is to make the skin healthy and hydrated, even adding antioxidants to prevent damage from the environment while we're also treating the acne and reducing the redness. SF Wooshing as words enter]. I grew up in a judo family, my father was my judo coach and I started judo when I was maybe years old running around the mats. Judo's really my life. I took third in the junior Olympics in 2005. It's embarrassing being a top judo player and competing in national and international competition and everybody seeing these big red bumps on your face when you walk in to the mat. You know I'd get thrown on my head and get back up and then instead of being able to focus on my fight, I'd be worried about my face cause a pimple popped or something I mean that's more embarrassing than anything. I've tried everything that they have on the market to try to clear my skin and nothing has worked for me. I had breakouts for 7 years and Acne Complex? got my skin clear within 3 weeks, it was a really good feeling, you know be confidant and not have the thought of acne always in the back of my mind. I could hang out with friends I can go out on dates I can go to judo practice without worrying about my pimples. Now, umm, when people take pictures I try to hop in, put my hands around girls and just relax you know what I mean. I mean I was always that kid whose got the acne who was afraid to walk out of the house and now I'm the one with clear skin whose trying to tell my friends that Murad Acne Complex? can actually you know stop your acne. I can't even count how many products I've tried over the years and I definitely don't want to try anything else other than Murad from here on in because it actually works for me. Now I can actually just focus on judo again. Now you can say goodbye to red irritated breakouts once and for all with Murad Acne Complex? a truly different way of healing acne that's actually good for your skin, call in the next 1 minutes and you'll get the complete 3 step Acne Complex? system, plus $60 worth of free gifts all for only $29.95. And so you can see clear healthy skin even faster, we'll upgrade your order to express delivery, that's an additional 15 dollar value absolutely free. Best of all, Acne Complex? comes with our 60 Day Bottom-of-the-bottle Money Back Guarantee. If you don't see clear healthy skin just like the people you've seen in this program simply return the products for a full refund of the purchase price even if the bottles are empty so don't wait call the number on your screen and order Acne Complex? right now. Within 4 weeks all of my blemishes and zits and things completely disappeared, it was so great. Talking to boys now is so much easier it's wonderful, I don't have to stand like this or you know like how are you, you know because I don't have anything to hide. We've been taking her to the dermatologist you know they're giving her multiple face creams. I could tell that it was like drying it out but none of the acne was going away. So she had researched she's like I found this product its called Acne Complex? it's got all these great reviews I want to try it. Since like the day I started using it I didn't get another breakout or another zit pop up at all. I wake up and I'm confident in myself before I even look in the mirror I know I don't have to worry about any zits anything popping up. I think the thing that sold me the most on the Acne Complex? system from watching the infomercials was seeing that you used real people. I think you're more inclined to consider for yourself rather than looking at some big celebrity whose using it who has great results because looking at them on TV you go, they always look good what do I-you know but when you see actual people that have breakouts or acne and you see the results, its just more believable. That's what it did. I could actually see my face completely clear after 4 weeks it was wonderful. The average person who suffers from acne is confused because there are so many products on the shelves virtually every grocery store, every drug store, on TV and they, in some cases are helping their acne but they're not making their skin healthy, they're drying out their skin, they're making it real tight. What makes Acne Complex? special and different is it addresses the acne problem without drying and irritating the skin. We're reducing the redness replacing the dry tight feeling with a soft suppleness creating the healthiest appearance possible. CLEAR SKIN TEA -2-3 Clear Skin! I feel very out of control when I have acne and I would like healthy skin and beautiful skin. I am absolutely skeptical of new products because there's so many out there after you get shot down by a couple of them not working you get discouraged. When we go out on these Clear Skin Challenges it's so exciting because you see people, real people, who come up to us and tell us their stories about how they've tried every other acne product on the market, they take that leap of faith, they put their skin in our hands and say ok, I will try Acne Complex?, I will try one more thing. They're skeptical, they're emotional, its raw, its gritty, its real. I like this, I like it a lot. Looking at that picture and then realizing that within 10 days my face was 100% clear, with Acne Complex? you know that its working you know that your skin looks good it looks healthy. I've watched the infomercials a lot I just didn't call. I've tried everything else so I might as well give Murad a try too. Breakouts be gone and stay gone. This kit is something that would really, really work for anybody. I love the kit. I've had breakouts for over 4 years and I've tried a lot of different products and this is the only one that really worked. Girls have come up to me and said like, looking good you know, it's kind of different, kind of a change of pace and it's nice you know. It's pretty cool. I'm taking he Murad Challenge because I want clean skin. I'm just desperate I really am. It's just enhanced every part of my life, cause it gave me clear skin and it made me feel good, and you1 know that, with my energy, I'm like hi, what's going1 on, What's cracking.1 You know it's just that, that part of me.1 I've tried at least 30 or 40 different acne products1 and I still have breakouts.1 Proactiv dried out my skin a lot I didn't feel like1 my skin was very clean afterwards.1 Finally I have healthy skin.1 Acne Complex? is the absolute last acne product1 I will ever need in life.1 Now it's your turn, take the Clear Skin Challenge1 just like Deedra, Sammie, and all the real people1 you've seen in this program and get clear1 healthy skin in as little as 4 weeks guaranteed.1 After spending 12 years trying to cover everything1 up within 4 weeks it's just gone.1 Acne Complex? addresses all of the factors of1 redness and skin breakouts in just 3 simple steps.1 Step 1, Clarifying cleanser, this gentle but1 powerful cleanser kills over 99.9% of surface1 bacteria, deep cleans without irritation, and1 calms and soothes the skin.1 Step 2, exfoliating acne treatment gel, this1 powerful formula penetrates pores to sweep1 them super clean, retinol and glycolic acid1 eliminate excess skin cell build up, while a1 luxurious blend of botanicals calms and1 soothes the skin.1 Step 3, skin perfecting lotion.1 This ultra light oil free lotion hydrates and1 nourishes the skin instantly calming redness1 and irritation without clogging pores.1 When I put Acne Complex? on it instantly soothes1 it, it instantly feels soft, it just feels good.1 When used together this fast and simple 3 step1 system combines the very best of science and nature1 to clear away your breakouts leaving you with1 that soft smooth healthy glow Murad is famous for.1 In today's confusing marketplace you could1 spend hundreds even thousands of dollars on1 prescriptions and countless acne products1 that can actually dry out your skin and even make1 your breakouts worse.1 Or you can say goodbye to acne and red irritated1 skin once for all with Murad Acne Complex?.1 Sold separately at retail the regular price of Acne1 Complex? is $112, but call now through this special1 introductory offer and try a 30 day Acne Complex? kit1 for only $29.95.1 That's less than a dollar a day for the clear1 healthy skin you've always wanted.1 I mean I've tried everything that they have1 on the market to try and clear my skin and nothing1 has worked for me and Acne Complex? got my skin clear1 within 3 weeks.1 Plus, call in the next six minutes and1 we'll send you $60 worth1 of free gifts, bonus number 1 is a Murad1 customer favorit he clarifying mask, perfect1 for reducing pore size and absorbing ugly blackheads.1 You'll also get the acne spot treatment it's a1 Murad best seller for zapping pimples overnight.1 Well also send you Acne 101 your personal guide to1 clear healthy skin in just four weeks.1 Loaded with tips and special skin care advice1 from Dr. Murad himself.1 You can even track your own results, every step of1 the way.1 And you'll always feel great knowing that all of1 your Murad bottles are 100% recyclable.1 But hold everything, call right now and we'll1 upgrade your order to express delivery, that's1 an additional $15 value absolutely free, instead1 of waiting 3-4 weeks you can start getting clear1 healthy skin in just 3-5 business days guaranteed.1 Best of all your order today is absolutely1 risk free with Murad's 60 day Bottom-of-the-Bottle1 money back guarantee.1 If you don't see clear healthy skin just like the1 people you've seen on this program, simply return the1 products for a full refund of the purchase price,1 even if the bottles are empty.1 Keep the free gifts just for trying Acne Complex?.1 And when you call ask your operator about the1 clarifying body spray, a powerful antibacterial1 formula to keep you clear from head to toe.1 This special TV offer is not available in stores so1 join 2 million satisfied customers and order Acne1 Complex? right now.1 Being acne free is definitely the best1 feeling in the world.1 Take the Clear Skin Challenge.1 I am walking living proof that Acne Complex? works.1 It's just great to walk out the door and not have1 to worry about putting on makeup.1 Life is just good.1 The preceding has been a paid presentation for1 Murad Acne Complex?.