Alpha-H & Hangout

>> ROSE-AN elcome to the Alpha-H & Hangout, we’re chatting with Tom Ogden about all things Alpha-H and skincare today. So hi Tom. >> TO ello there, great to be here. Hope you’ve got lots of great questions. >> ROSE-AN es, possibly. Right, my first question, as you can see I burnt my face a little bit, over the weekend, with the patch of hot weather we had. What Alpha-H products would you recommend to sooth sunburn? And to kind of repair the damage a little bit? >> TO ell, the most important thing really is, in terms of what you’re cleansing your skin with and what you’re protecting your skin with. So when your skin burns it’s very, very vulnerable to more damage, so you need to be using SPF moisturiser every morning and our balancing cleanser would be great to cleanse, take your make-up off. It’s very soothing, in that there’s Vitamin E in there, with aloe vera and aloe vera is in a lot of other products and it’s a great remedy for burnt skin. In actual fact, in Australia, which is where the brand is from, the aloe vera plant grows everywhere and if, people in Australia would say, if you were out and about and you’re caught in the sun with skin burns, that’s the first thing that you should do, is literally grab some aloe vera to help sooth it. The balancing cleanser, protecting your skin. And the other thing that would be great is our Vitamin E serum and Vitamin E, not only is it hydrating and soothing, but it helps to stimulate the immune system in the skin, so it helps the skin to heal. So they would be great products for you to choose. If you’re using anything that’s exfoliating, so anything that has fruit acids in, or any kind of abrasion, maybe a scrub, like a micro cleanse, you must stop using that for a moment until your skin goes back to that level of comfort. >> ROSE-AN ight. >> TO nd be more careful in the sun, next time. >> ROSE-AN know. >> TO at on, sunscreen on. >> ROSE-AN es, I’ll try. And we had another question actually, just from a member of the staff. >> TO kay. >> ROSE-AN hich is, she’s basically just come out of hospital and she’s had a really bad, like acne flare out, from her stay in hospital. She’s not sure whether it’s from medication or if it’s from the detergents they’ve used on the sheets. >> TO ight, yes, yeah. >> ROSE-AN hat would be the best products to help calm that down, without irritating it further? >> TO ell, again, inside the Vitamin E serum, if it’s, in terms of any scarring that’s left on the skin from the acne, or any inflammation, Vitamin E serum is very good. If the skin isn’t compromised, and it really is just break outs and congestion, then I would suggest something like the liquid gold and the micro cleanse. And liquid gold, you need about three nights a week, micro cleans you could use in the morning, maybe once or twice a week and it does, the fruit acid that we use in there, which is glycolic acid, it’s a natural fruit acid from sugar canes, it has the ability to get into the pore and help to clear that congestion. But actually, you know, with that kind of breakout, if it’s more of a bacterial breakout, the other thing that I would suggest is our triple action cleanser and that has got a time and it’s very anti-bacterial and very simple. So you can cleanse with the triple action cleanser, use the liquid gold or the micro cleanse to help to clear the pores and reduce the congestion. >> ROSE-AN ight, it sounds great. It sounds like the Vitamin E is quite a good all-rounder really, doesn’t it? >> TO ight, it’s, I call it my, sort of, my first aid vitamin, because we have a number of vitamin serums that we work with at Alpha-H and they are actually therapist serums, we use them in the salon in treatments. But Vitamin E is great for, any time the skin is compromised, so whether it’s sunburnt, it’s broken, maybe you have eczema or maybe your skin has got chapped or parched when the weather is colder, you can either just dab it on any individual area, any individual problem, or you can even apply it over the whole face before you put your moisturiser on in the morning, before you put your night cream on in the evening. >> ROSE-AN o it’s like an intensive soother? >> TO es, very, very soothing, yeah. >> ROSE-AN hat sounds brilliant. You’ve got quite good skin yourself, Tom. >> TO hank you. >> ROSE-AN ut, what’s your personal Alpha-H routine that you use? >> TO ell I’m a huge fan of liquid gold, I think that is, you know, for most people, that’s a kind of entry point to Alpha-H. It’s such a quick, easy product to use, it’s a product that immediately brightens and refines the skin. So liquid gold, I couldn’t live without that, and my other big favourites are the balancing cleanser, so I use that religiously. My skin is combination, but it can be a little bit dehydrated, and the balancing cleanser just really keeps it at that sort of nice optimum balance situation, so it’s always comfortable. So balancing cleanser, liquid gold, and our amazing absolute eye complex. So I worry about the eye area, as I’m getting older, whether it’s bags under the eyes or the top lid losing that elasticity, and the eye complex is fantastic and it’s so cooling. And [unclear - ] are, but the fantastic thing about it is you can actually use it over the whole of the eye area, so all the way over the lid, all the way out to the lash, as opposed to putting it onto the cheek [unclear - ]. >> ROSE-AN eah, especially if you don’t get it around here, can’t you? >> TO xactly, exactly, so definitely the eye complex and you know, in terms of keeping the skin young, the best thing that you could do on a daily basis is wear a good sun protection. So we have our, and I’m not going back to your sun bathing, but it’s an everyday essential, so I use our daily essential moisturiser SPF 50 plus, and I use it religiously, every single morning. >> ROSE-AN hat’s, I tell you what, I should need to start doing. >> TO es, well then, as you say, you know, sometimes you get caught unawares by the sun, so you know when you put that product on every morning, it’s going to moisturise your skin, it’s going to protect your skin from UV damage, from the environment, and it also, you know, just keeps the skin comfortable and actually, for example, for yourself, if you’re wearing make-up, it’s a really good primer, it helps to keep the make up on through the day. So those are my favourites. >> ROSE-AN he absolute eye complex then, you know you mentioned you can put it all over the lid? Does that mean the ingredients are a lot gentler than normal eye products? Because usually we’re told to avoid that whole area? >> TO eah, I mean obviously the eye area is very delicate and sometimes customers ask me can I use liquid gold up to the eye, can I use some of our other glycolic products, we would never advise you to do that. What we would suggest with the eye complex is that it’s very soothing, the number of botanicals that are in there, and it means that you can put it into that area. It’s not something that’s going to get into the tear duct or onto the lashes, is going to irritate the eyes. You’ve got things like cucumber in there, which is very soothing, you’ve got hyaluronic acid, which is a moisturiser, which is really the base of the product. So yeah, we’ve been very careful in the way that we’ve formulated it so that it really respects the fact that the eye area is very delicate and I think the texture of it, it could migrate into the eye. Sometimes when you’re using cream, when you put, if you put the cream too close to the eye, the crepes of the eye tends to pull the product into the lashes or into the tear duct. So yeah, absolute eye complex, I mean I always say absolute eye complex, I say it absolutely addresses all of those issues, so it’s a very well named product in that regard. >> ROSE-AN ight, I’ve had another question come through. For those people who have not heard of liquid gold yet, the few people that might be there, can you tell us more about it and what was the inspiration behind creating it? And the all-round awesomeness? >> TO t is awesome. Yeah, I mean in terms of where it was developed, Alpha-H is kind of famous in our salons for doing peels on the skin, so for exfoliating the skin. Peels have really been around in skin care for about the last sort of 20, 25 years and Alpha-H has been around for about 22 years. So we were really the pioneers, as with the working with fruit acid, and of all the acids that we’ve used, glycolic is the most productive. It’s the most active, it has the smallest molecules, so it can get into the skin quicker, and the best way to work with it is actually in a liquid, in a water base, so it’s going into the skin, it’s not sitting on the surface, it’s getting into the skin where it can1 actually do its job most effectively. So Michelle Doherty is the owner of Alpha-H, she really1 developed it because she wanted to give people at home the opportunity to use the salon secret,1 to use a liquid peel, to get the kind of result that normally you can only get in a salon,1 when you’re probably paying a lot more money for a treatment. So that was really the inspiration1 for it.1 In actual fact, the name, the reason it’s called liquid gold is that when Michelle was1 developing it and before she’d given it a name, she gave it to a really good friend1 of hers to try, and this lady had got many years’ experience working in the beauty1 industry, and had tried many, many different products, so it was almost like she’d seen1 it all really. And so Michelle said to her, you know, she turned up with her bottle of1 liquid gold, she’s like right, I want you to use this product tonight, you’re going1 to wipe it over the face, you’re going to go straight to bed and the first thing tomorrow1 morning you’re going to ring me and tell me what your result is. And this lady said,1 “Oh come on Michelle, you know, get over yourself, nothing is, gives you such a good1 result by first thing the next morning”. But Michelle said, “You know, just try it,1 you know”. So anyway, the next morning, Michelle’s phone rings really, really early,1 she answers the phone and it’s this friend and she just said “My goodness, what is1 that? It’s liquid gold. I can see a difference in my skin straight away”. And I think that’s1 what we want, as consumers, from a product, really.1 >> ROSE-AN orry.1 >> TO ou know, the way that it works to optimise the skin. So it’s going to exfoliate1 the skin, but with no abrasion, it’s going to stimulate the skin and that’s why when1 you use the product you feel a little bit of a tingling, so when you’ve used it there1 will be that little tingling effect on the skin, yeah, and that’s good because it’s1 waking the skin up, you know. So I liken it to sort of my aerobics routine for the skin.1 You know, you put your liquid gold three nights a week, you’re going to bed, but whilst1 you’re sleeping, the product goes to work, and it kind of, you know, it’s almost like1 having a facial while you’re asleep. So, and the other thing that I find with liquid1 gold is because it lifts out those superficial dead skin cells, everything else in your routine1 works better, so your serums, your moisturisers, because they’re able to get into the skin1 much more effectively. So it is awesomeness in a bottle, definitely.1 >> ROSE-AN ou know, I think with liquid gold you’re not supposed to use it in the1 morning, are you? Is that?1 >> TO hat’s right.1 >> ROSE-AN ecause it increases your, I’m trying to think of the right word to say,1 it makes your skin more sensitive to the sun?1 >> TO es, that’s right and in the sense that, you know, obviously, we have products1 within the range that use glycolic, that you can use in the morning, we have a lovely product1 called liquid gold effecting day wear which is designed to be used in the morning. But1 with liquid gold, it’s the activity of the product as an exfoliant and the way, that1 using it at night basically, it works really effectively with the whole way that the skin1 itself repairs itself over night. So in the morning, it would be a little bit too active,1 and what you would find is you’re over exfoliating the skin and then going out into the environment1 and obviously you’ve got UV, you’ve got changes in temperature you’ve got pollution1 you’ve got your make up on, all of those kind of things. So use it at night and I’d1 suggest is alternate nights, so you can alternate it with a regular night cream or serum to1 your best results from that, as well as your liquid gold.1 >> ROSE-AN ight, sounds good.1 >> TO ou know, we sell nearly two bottles of liquid gold every minute of every hour1 of every day.1 >> ROSE-AN eally? That’s insane.1 >> TO hat’s how popular it is, and it’s won so many beauty awards and I think for1 anybody out there who wants to kind of dip their toe into Alpha-H and try it, you know,1 and see themselves everything they’ve read about it is true, then liquid gold is the1 place to start definitely.1 >> ROSE-AN ight, sorry to just change the subject, we’re getting a couple of questions1 coming through actually on the text. We, there’s a Laura and she wants to know if using SPF1 would block her pores, and if that would affect using liquid gold? Would she need to double1 cleanse before she applies it, or?1 >> TO o actually, the great thing is with our SPF moisturiser, we particularly, the1 one that I would recommend is the daily essential moisturiser SPF50. So it doesn’t clog the1 pores, other sunscreens that are zinc based can be quite difficult to remove effectively1 and actually, in that SPF 50, we use five different filters to protect the skin from1 UVA and UV light but they, they’re not going to clog the skin, they’re not going to congest1 it and they’re not greasy. And also they don’t whiten the skin, so a lot of sunscreens1 can have an effect on the, they can make skin look pasty. In terms of cleansing though,1 usually what I would say is if you’re wearing a lot of make-up, it’s a good idea to double1 cleans and actually if you come for an Alpha-H facial, we always double cleans before we1 do any of our other treatments, because sometimes the thing with make-up is that it’s actually1 got a lot of things like zinc, titanium, different waxes and resins and talcs, and that can be1 quite cloggy.1 Particularly, I’ve got a lot of customers at the moment who are using cream blushes1 and they’re getting more broke outs on the cheeks because a lot of these products are1 quite cloggy. So in terms of double cleansing, in the evening it’s a good idea, if you1 have been wearing make-up, but definitely with that SPF 50 moisturiser. I mean I use1 it on my skin and my skin is quite oily and I don’t get, there’s not congestion, so1 certainly, is it Laura?1 >> ROSE-AN es.1 >> TO eah? So Laura shouldn’t find that she has any break-outs as a result of that,1 but if she is using a lot of, sometimes people, if they’ve got an oily skin or maybe a problematic1 skin with breakouts, they might be using quite a lot of make-up and concealants, so definitely1 double cleansing is a good idea, in that situation.1 >> ROSE-AN ight, that’s great. I need to find another question for you. How does1 skin care, would you say, differentiate between men and women, if at all? Or would you just1 say it was to do with make-up usage or?1 >> TO ell men’s skin, it’s thicker, it tends to be more oily and that basically1 the male hormone, it causes guys, that the oil that the skin produces, it’s slightly1 thicker and heavier, so with men, they tend to have more problems with things like blackheads,1 congestion, t-zones and actually it, you know, men’s skin does tend to age better because1 of that extra oil and because it is slightly thicker, it tends to be a little bit more1 resilient. But it’s interesting, because modern men, the things that men are generally1 doing on a daily basis when they shave is they’re exfoliating and that encourages1 the skin renewal. So for women, obviously they’re not shaving, but they need to be1 mindful of the benefit of exfoliation. So sometimes I think men are really good at exfoliating1 their skin, woman tend to think more about moisturising as opposed to exfoliation, and1 actually exfoliation is really important for them.1 >> ROSE-AN ight, I never thought of the shaving like exfoliation actually?1 >> TO t is, I mean you literally, when you shave, you take about four or five layers1 of dead skin off and you encourage this process of cell renewal. I’m advising women to start1 shaving.1 >> ROSE-AN nteresting. Christine has just joined us, I can’t see her, buy hi Christine,1 if you’re there, if you’ve got any questions for Tom feel free to just chip in and?1 >> TO i Christine.1 >> CHRISTIN hat’s right.1 >> ROSE-AN can’t see, she’s popped on the webcam but she’s just disappeared.1 >> TO kay.1 >> CHRISTIN o, hi, can you hear me?1 >> ROSE-AN es, I can hear you.1 >> CHRISTIN i. Right, my camera doesn’t work for some reason I will try to fix it.1 >> ROSE-AN e can hear you fine.1 >> CHRISTIN kay. I just have a question, I wanted to show but my camera doesn’t work,1 I have got bumps on my forehead, they’re not pimples, they’re not spots, they’re1 just little bumps, on like inside the skin and I was wondering, and if I’m using like1 a new cleanser in the night and I start using it in the morning as well. So I was wondering1 if that could be the cause of it? I have never had any spots on my skin, I always have very1 good skin and this start happening. So I was wondering if it’s because I changed products?1 Or if it is using the same cleanser, which is a really good cleanser at night, in the1 morning?1 >> TO ave you found that your skin, is it since you’ve started using this new cleanser1 that you’ve seen these changes?1 >> CHRISTIN ot immediately but after, I would say a week or two.2 >> TO kay, so maybe it’s not cleansing your skin enough, possibly?2 >> CHRISTIN kay.2 >> TO o you tend to wear a lot of make-up?2 >> CHRISTIN o, I don’t wear that much make-up during like the week, the only time2 is on weekends and like very little.2 >> TO kay, well I mean the best thing to do then is if you’re not sure, in terms2 of with the cleanser, I’d stop using it maybe for a week or two and see how your skin2 responds. So, and the bumps that you’ve got, are they kind of like raised bumps? Or2 are they under the skin?2 >> CHRISTIN hey’re under the skin, they’re like, I don’t know how to, they’re like,2 yeah, like bumps inside the skin, it doesn’t have a head, it’s not like a pimple, a spot,2 it’s just little bumps, all over.2 >> TO hat does sound like some congestion under the skin, and in that situation it’s2 actually into the pore, it’s quite deep. So it’s possible that it’s from, I mean2 obviously, the other thing is, with the summer, because of the humidity and everything like2 that, we tend to have more oil in the skin. So it’s possible that maybe it’s a combination2 of factors, that going on, the new cleanser that you’ve been using, maybe the cleanser2 that you’re using at the moment isn’t thorough enough. But see how, leave the cleanser2 out of your system and see how your skin responds to that and maybe, I don’t know if you could2 let us know how your skin responds, and obviously if it improves then it’s certainly the cleanser,2 if it doesn’t, then maybe we can look at some other suggestions that might help?2 >> CHRISTIN kay, I can do that.2 >> TO rilliant, okay.2 >> ROSE-AN eah, Christine, you can actually, if you would like to keep us updated on your2 progress through Facebook or Twitter? We can keep Tom informed on how you’re getting2 on.2 >> TO efinitely, please do that.2 >> CHRISTIN es, I can do that. How to do it? Where should I write?2 >> ROSE-AN ou can either leave a message on our Google+ page, or you can join us on2 Facebook, we’ve got a Facebook page as well, and then we can pass any.2 >> CHRISTIN kay, perfect, I can do that.2 >> ROSE-AN o you have any more questions that you’d like to ask?2 >> CHRISTIN o, I will, I just wanted to say that like I am a religiously user of the2 liquid gold, and I love it, you have made my skin so bright and I just want to say it’s2 like the best product ever.2 >> TO hat’s fantastic. Can I ask how long you’ve been using it?2 >> CHRISTIN ’ve been using it, it will be almost a year and a half.2 >> TO reat.2 >> CHRISTIN eah, I started using it last year in January.2 >> TO ight. So you’ve seen really good results from using it Christine?2 >> CHRISTIN es, I was scared first but then.2 >> TO ere you? Why were you scared?2 >> CHRISTIN just thought acid makes me cringe, because I thought acid is just going2 to burn, so I thought, I don’t know, but I didn’t know that much, I haven’t read2 any reviews about it, I just had a friend who like, her skin was so lovely and I ask2 her what she uses and then she tells me.2 >> TO h, I see.2 >> CHRISTIN eah, and then I went and try it.2 >> TO hat’s great, you know it’s interesting, because with Alpha-H, it’s very much a word2 of mouth brand in that way. I think people have a result with it and then they, you know,2 they want to tell friends about it. Or actually, sometimes, it’s your friends who notice2 the change in your own skin and it’s, what are you using? You know, I mean I had that2 experience when I started using Alpha-H, probably about seven years ago. Have you tried anything2 else from the range?2 >> CHRISTIN eah, I actually did order the balancing cleanser, but I haven’t come around2 to use it because it’s coming by mail, and I just wanted to buy the little, there’s2 a little kit and you can try the best products.2 >> TO h that’s, yeah.2 >> CHRISTIN nd I really like that and the smoothing mask.2 >> TO kay. Can I ask if you’ve tried microcleanse?2 >> CHRISTIN s that the oil one?2 >> TO xfoliator with a scrub?2 >> CHRISTIN h, the thing is, I haven’t used like scrubs and little bits on my face2 because I realised that it just make me really dry, because I’m not from England, I’m2 from Sweden and we have really, really hard winters. So I just stopped using that.2 >> TO very dehydrating winter?2 >> CHRISTIN eah, huh?2 >> TO oes your skin dehydrate in the winter?2 >> CHRISTIN es, it does, really, really, really dry, even if I put loads of moisturiser,2 it does go really dry.2 >> TO an I give you a little tip about something that might help?2 >> CHRISTIN eah.2 >> TO e have a product called aged delaying facial oil, and it’s actually a pure botanical2 oil. It’s a very light, silky oil though, it’s not greasy or anything like that, but2 it’s a great one to add to your routine in the winter. You can either use it neat2 on the skin, you put it on before you put your moisturiser on, or actually you can blend2 a couple of drops into your moisturiser. And the reason why a facial oil can be effective2 during those changes of the seasons, the changes in temperature, is oils tend to respond better2 to changes in atmospheric conditions. So when you’re going say from, it’s very cold2 outside and then you’re going inside where you’ve got the central heating on, and that,2 you know, it feels like the extremes can have that drying effect on the skin. So think about2 adding a facial oil into your routine, it’s almost like customise your moisturiser, so2 that it’s more able to compensate for those changes.2 >> CHRISTIN kay, I will look into it right now.2 >> TO an I ask, how cold does it get in the winter there?2 >> CHRISTIN ell last winter we had minus 30, 31.2 >> TO ow, okay, yeah.2 >> CHRISTIN nd that’s in the city, but outside it’s colder.2 >> TO kay, well definitely the balancing cleanser and as I said, that age delay facial2 oil would be fantastic for you. And we actually, we have a lovely moisturiser called essential2 hydration cream.2 >> CHRISTIN eah, I have seen it.2 >> TO eah, that, the other thing which is good with that is sometimes when our skins2 get very dehydrated, they get more sensitive and that moisturiser is designed to not soothe,2 reduce redness, it just protects, even the capillaries on the skin, from damage from2 the environment. I’ve got a lot of customers who, they live in quite a harsh climate, because2 obviously Alpha-H is sold all over the world, and that moisturiser is great for those sort2 of more, those extremes, and the lovely thing about it is that it’s not heavy or greasy,2 it’s very wearable on a daily basis. So maybe you have a try of that, but if you’ve2 ever got any questions about your Alpha H routine at different times of the year, then2 as the girls have said, please do drop us a line through the BeautyBay Facebook page2 and I’ll always try and answer those questions.2 >> CHRISTIN eah, I will do for sure because that moisturiser sounds really good, but I2 hate when I have to put make-up in winter because it evaporated so quick, it take so2 long to sink in.2 >> TO eah. Actually, that moisturiser is a really good make-up base as well and it2 has a matt finish, so definitely give that a try.2 >> CHRISTIN eah, I will look into it too, I’m just writing everything down.2 >> ROSE-AN hristine, do you have any further questions?2 >> CHRISTIN o, I think that’s about all.2 >> ROSE-AN ave you got everything you need to know from Tom.2 >> CHRISTIN eah.2 >> ROSE-AN e would like, one final question from you Tom, if that’s okay?2 >> TO eah, sure.2 >> ROSE-AN s there anything exciting to be launched with Alpha-H that you’re allowed2 to tell us about?2 >> TO es, there’s always something exciting in the pipeline with Alpha-H I think because2 Michelle, the way the team works with her formulating team, they’re always looking2 at the latest new ingredients that are coming along. So I can give a few hints of things2 that are coming along, actually, one of the first things which will be towards the end2 of the year are some body products, and in particular, a new firming body cream which,2 you know, for those areas I mean on the body, you know, like the sides, the tops of the2 arms, any area where, like stretch marks, those kind of areas where the elasticity of2 the skin is compromised, that’s going to be a fantastic product, and that will be launched2 in sort of like October, November time. And the other thing that we are working on actually,2 which will probably be more for next year, early next year, are some new anti-pigmentation2 products, so we had, you know, obviously within the range, liquid gold, liquid gold radiance,2 we have a number of products which are great for pigmentation, but we’re always looking2 at what the latest ingredients are that are coming along. And I think probably the final2 thing I need to mention is that we’re also working on a new sunscreen moisturiser, and2 that will be coming out probably next spring, in the UK, and it’s going to be more of2 an anti-aging sunscreen moisturiser, so it’s going to be more for a sort of dry, dehydrated2 skin, making it sort of 35 or 40 plus age category, that will be launching in the spring.2 And I know, I did see that somebody had left a question on the Google+ page about something3 exciting that’s happening in September, which I know I think on the Alpha-H Facebook3 page, we’ve been talking about, and I am slightly sworn to secrecy, I can’t revel3 too much, but it’s actually a beauty award, it’s a very prestigious beauty award, and3 that’s going to be announced in September. And you know, for us as a small family brand,3 you know, when we get awards or recognitions from the press or beauty bloggers or you know,3 it’s a huge thing for us, we get really excited about it.3 >> ROSE-AN eah, it’s well deserved though, it’s a really good brand I think, isn’t3 it? I know like a lot of people that, they start on Alpha-H and they just get addicted3 to it, don’t they? Because it’s so good.3 >> TO eah, I mean I think sometimes people think also that with Alpha-H we have a very3 affordable price point, and I have met a lot of customers over the years who have said3 to me that they hesitated in trying the product for quite some time because a lot of people3 think that you have to pay 100’s of pounds on a skincare product to see a result, and3 with Alpha-H, you know, the thing that’s different about it, because it’s a family3 company and because it’s very much Michelle Doherty’s baby, Michelle, as many of your3 customers might know, had a lot of problems with her skin when she was younger, that’s3 what actually led her towards developing Alpha-H. But when she was going through all of those3 problems, she had a limited amount of money that she could spend on skincare products,3 so for her it’s important that our products are affordable and sustainable for people.3 But you know, a lot of people think that you have to pay, or you can pay hundreds of pounds3 for moisturisers and serums, but with Alpha-H it’s, you know, we wanted it to be affordable3 but we want it to give you a result. So it’s a challenge sometimes because we’re always3 wanting to work with the best ingredients, whether it’s the latest scientific technology3 or the best natural ingredients, and a lot of those ingredients are very expensive to3 work with.3 But we never cut corners on the percentages of ingredients that we use because at the3 end of the day, for us, it’s about the result that we can deliver to your skin. It’s not3 the fragrance that the product has, or the packaging, it’s, as Michelle would say,3 we don’t do [unclear - 3 ], we are focussed on giving you a visible result on your skin.3 >> ROSE-AN rilliant. Well thank you very much Tom for answering all our questions and3 helping me out with my sunburn query at the start.3 >> TO y pleasure, I’ll be checking up on you though.3 >> ROSE-AN know, I’ll have to start wearing SPF religiously.3 >> TO xactly, thank you very much.3 >> ROSE-AN ou’re welcome.3 >> TO hank you for all the questions.3 >> ROSE-AN eah, it’s been brilliant, thank you. And anyone who has been watching3 on YouTube, you can actually catch this later on, we’ll post it up and then you can watch3 it later on and see all the questions that Tom has answered for us. If you’ve got any3 extra questions, just post them on the Google+ page or comment on video and we’ll get back3 to you and answer them for you as well. Right, so thanks Tom, I think we’ll wrap it up.3 >> TO ine.3 >> ROSE-AN hank you bye.3 >> TO ake care.