Argan Oil (Moroccan Oil) for Hair

Hey, guys. Today I want to share with all of you a hair serum that I've been using for the past 3 years on my hair. And the order I'm talking bought is this Norris Argan Oil from Healthy Hair Plus. Before I get into the benefits of this oil and why I love it and all the amazing things that this Argan Oil will do for your hair. I just want to go ahead and start by talking a little bit about Argan Oil. Argan Oil has been popular for the past few years. It used by many, many people and especially hair experts have been raving about Argan Oil. First off I want to start by mentioning that Argan Oil comes from the Argan tree which are native to the country of Morocco. Now, this type of oil is known and it's referred by many different names. One of them of course is Argan Oil. Argan Oil. And it's often know as liquid gold and this miracle oil. And the reason why many people especially ask for or refer to this oil as liquid gold and the miracle oil is because of how beneficial it is for our hair. And so, that's what I want to get into right now. I want mention some of the many benefits of this amazing oil. Now, this nourish Argan oil is very good for your hair especially if you suffer from frizzy hair. It's going to do an amazing job at instantly taming that frizz and making your hair look completely controlled. So, if you have curly, unmanageable hair, this product is going to be amazing. But even if you don't have curly hair, if you have straight hair or wavy hair and it's on the frizzy side, believe me, you are going to love this little bottle here. Another benefit of this oil that it's very beneficial for weak hair, and the reason why this product is amazing for weak hair is because it contains many beneficial vitamins. It also contains fatty acids likemega3 and you know mega9. And mega3 or mega are excellent for people who suffer from very slow growing hair. If you want to grow out your hair, you want your hair to grow from maybe being all the way up the year to like actually growing quickly and no matter of months then you need to use products and you hear that contains omega 3 and omega 9 Another benefit of this [xx] Argan oil is that it naturally reduces dryness. And the reason why this product is going to reduce dryness in your hair is because it's going to add moisture and hydration to your hair. And of course, having hydrated and moisturized hair is also going to help deal with the ends. That means that your hair is going to break less often. Because it's going to be less vulnerable to whether use the blow dryer or whether you brush wash your hair a lot or use combs or just anything that might cause your hair to break. Another benefit, which is the main reason why I use this product, is that it's going to add extreme shine ...And change your hair, one of the things that I hate about most hair serums is that you add some to you hair and it looks perfect, it looks shiny, it tames down the frizz, but the next day it seems as if you didn't add anything to your hair so you have to go ahead and apply some more. Now, with this oil you don't have that issue issue; you apply it once and then you don't have to reapply until you wash your hair again. So, for example I washed my hair last night and this is what I added to my hair, and I did not have to apply any of this serum to my hair today because it looks shiny, it looks healthy, this is what my hair looks like... let me show you guys. I'm sure you guys can tell that it looks very shiny and I'm not sure if, you know I might be wrong, but it also seems like the color seems more vibrant. Whenever I apply this serum to my hair I notice that the hair, the color black, does seem more vibrant, and the cool thing is that I haven't done my hair in two months. But I actually had two will ask me at work why I had recently dye my hair? And the answer is no, I dye it two months ago. So, I feel that the reason why my hair color seems more vibrant is because of this Argan oil that I've been using. So I feel that the reason why my hair seems more vibrant and the color just seems fresh like I've just dyed it's because I've been using this Agran oil but the truth is that I haven't dyed my hair recently. So, that one the main reasons why I love this product, because it give my hair lots of shine and sheen. And it just brings out the color and it makes it seem more vibrant and fresh. Another benefit Argan oil is that it help reduce the oil production. So, if you've oily hair like myself I tend to have oily hair on the scalp mean that I have to wash my hair sometimes more often to avoid that oily, greasy, and dirty look then this is a product that you might want to use because is going to be very beneficial when it comes to reducing the oil production on your hair. So some other benefits of this Argan Oil, like I mentioned earlier is that it contains high quantities of Omega 3 and Omega 9 and this Argan Oil also infuses your hair with Vitamin E. And Vitamin E is very good for your hair because it's going to help promote healthy hair in the long run. And with that off this video I hope all of you enjoy learning a little bit about this amazing product from Helping Hair Plus.