Healthy Skin Care hat Kind of Paint Do You Use on Skin?

Have you ever wondered what kind of paint is safe to use on the skin? My name is Keeley Selvage with "Keeley's Skin Solutions" and I'm going to talk to you about what you can use on the skin. Maybe you have a special event coming up like a birthday party, a hot date, maybe you are walking through an amusement park and your kid wants Spiderman on his face, is it safe? More than likely yes. The face paints that you can buy or even the ones that vendors use are safe for the skin. If you go to a store it is labeled face paint, body paint, those are going to be safe. In addition to that water base paints are safe, latex paints are safe, any kind of paints that may be doesn't have Tributiline Oxide which can be toxic to the skin is going to be safe. You can also make your own body paint or face paint. You can use corn starch, shortening and food coloring. Mix it up to get the right consistency and you are good to go for doing your own face paint for your kids' party. My name is Keeley Selvage with Keeley's Skin Solutions" and those are the kinds of paints that are safe for your skin.