Dry Skin Care - Causes and Remedies

I am Dr Shikha, I am the Managing Director for NutriHealth Systems. Today we are going to be talking about dry skin and what to eat what to avoid... ...and how you can take care of skin when it is running dry. Typically there are different kind of skin types and one kind of skin type is the dry skin type. Dry skins requires two things. One is natural oils and second is natural moisture. So if you want to actually take care of your skin and not let it remain dry you should take care of the moisture and the oil levels. Now we can take care of both these things internally and externally. So internally what are the things you can do? First thing is have lot of water which is very important. Cut down tea and coffee. Why? Because tea and coffee are actually diuretics. That means it makes your body loose water. Third this is cut down on too much of "achaars", pickles, and you know all those spicy things. Because too many spicy foods can also damage your skin. There is no problem in taking herbs and spices in their natural form. But when you deep fry them and put a lot of oil that is the time those spices can become toxic for your skin. So for dry skin it is very important to have lot of water. Coconut water is good for dry skin. Natural oils are very good for dry skin. So which are the natural oils? Like coconut oil is very good, similarly you can add coconut oil... ...you can do your cooking in coconut oil. Coconut milk you can make like for example Thai curries or many other cuisines are made in coconut milk... ...and that is very good for the skin. You can also apply coconut milk on your skin because its the most natural form of moisturizing agent available. So you can just take a little bit of coconut milk and apply it on your skin. Leave it for about ten fifteen minutes and then wash off with plain water. Similarly eating fruits is very important because they are very rich in many multi-minerals and vitamins. So things like papaya, banana, apples, oranges, sweet lime, pomegranates, avocados. So you can also actually use some of these things to make into a face mask. So avocado is very rich in oils and very good for the skin. Olive, crushed olives are very good for the skin. Olive oil you can also use a little bit. Similarly banana is a very good hydration agent. So you can mix a little bit of banana, avocado, little bit of coconut milk... ...and make it into a thick paste and apply on the face. Leave it for say about fifteen twenty minutes and then wash it off. That will also ensure that your skin doesn't remain dry. Another thing which is very important for dry skin is of course is having enough oils to eat. That means like almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds. So in your diet you should have enough of these oil rich seeds which will actually also create a nice glowing skin for you. What is also important is... very important during the winters stay away from sitting next to a blower or heater. Because when a blower or heater is very close to you it dries up your skin. So it is better to use heating... convection heating or things which have moisturize... little bit of moisture in the air. It is also very important that when you go out and step into the sun use cream which protects skin damage. And in case there is some skin damage then you can use an aloe vera balm. Aloe vera is one of the most excellent things for usage externally and internally. So internally if you have to use aloe vera you just take 20ml of aloe vera and drink it everyday. And externally you can apply aloe vera... aloe vera is available today in gel form. Excellent for skin damage and also moisturizes and hydrates the skin. So all these products actually which are natural they not only work internally... ...they can also be used externally. Like a papaya facial. Papaya facial if you do it scrubs cleans and also leaves your skin fresh and moist. Similarly try not to use very harsh soaps. Use a very gentle exfoliating agent and a gentle face wash. Because for a dry skin the skin needs a little bit of oil and moisture on it. Also when you step out in the sun try to cover yourself. You can cover your self with your dupatta or you can you know maybe an umbrella or something... ...so that you don't get the harsh sun rays on your skin directly. Also the best time for sunbathing as they say taking the sun is before 8 o'clock in the morning. But after that the sun rays are very harsh. They have a high ultra violet rays and it can cause skin damage. So if you want to have a skin which is not too dry just remember some of these things. Avoid diuretics, avoid too much of sun damage, avoid sitting in the blow driers or the heaters which dry out your skin. Take lots of moisturizing agents to drink. Take lot of fruits. Apply lots of aloe vera. Apply natural facial products like papaya, banana, avocado, coconut milk and you will have a very new a very beautiful glowing skin. So if you have any queries regarding beautiful skin or hair or connected to anything skin and hair... ...write in to me at ask@drshikha.com.