What Is a Tummy Tuck Procedure?

The term "tummy tuck" can refer to a range of procedures in which excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen. Here is Dr. Drake to give a general overview of what's involved in a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck procedure is a procedure where we remove excess skin from the abdominal area. There's a variety, a range, of procedures that we do that fall under that moniker. The most common procedure is an abdominoplasty, where we're not only removing excess skin but we're also repositioning the belly button to a new location, and also tightening up the covering of the abdominal cavity. That really gives the patient a nice, firmer abdominal core and allows us to redrape the skin over a better substrate. I had a tummy tuck approximately, well in 2006. I am a cancer survivor. I am a cancer survivor and I had stomach cancer which caused me to have two post surgeries after my C-section, so I had been cut on quite a bit in the same area. So much had accumulated right around my navel and right above my pubic area that no exercise could take it away.