How to Escape the Diet Trap - An interview with Dr John Briffa about weight loss

Mat i, this is Matt Edmundson, and today we're talking with Dr. John Briffa about how to escape the diet trap, lose weight for good without calorie counting or going to the gym all day or being really hungry, which is a big one for me. Because we're going to show this to you on the Jersey site, we're also going to discuss nutrition and skin care, which is pretty exciting. John is the UK's leading nutritional doctor and is the author of this new book, "How to Escape the Diet Trap", and writes for a number of national magazines and newspapers and appears on TV on a regular basis. John, thanks for doing this. Thanks for talking to us. Joh hank you for asking me. Mat ell us, what do you do in your work? Joh ood question. I do three things. I'm a practicing doctor, so I see patients. Usually in my practice, the approach is to try and find out why they have whatever issue they come with. They usually come with a health issue or more than one health issue. The approach is really to try to find out why that's there so we can get rid of the problem by treating it at its source rather than just to merely attempting to suppress the symptoms. If you came to me with a persistent headaches, I wouldn't be thinking about what's the latest drug for headaches. I'd be thinking, "Why does this person have headaches?" Very often, by the way, it's nutritional factors. I'm going to ask you a question now. Can you name a nutritional factor that might cause headaches. Mat or me, honestly, it's lack of water. If I don't drink enough water, I get headaches. Joh e didn't prepare this, did we? That is the most common cause of all headaches, not just nutritional causes, of all causes. Mat igraines? Joh ot so much migraines, but common garden headaches. Migraines are usually not dehydration in my experience. A lot of people have persistent headaches, and often it can be cured by drinking more water. You don't have to go mad, but you need to be well hydrated. You see the point is, you've isolated that as being an underlying factor, so now you can manage your headaches better. If you get one, you may recognize, "Well, I'm a bit dehydrated. I'll drink more water and then it goes away and doesn't come back as long as I keep hydrated." You see that's very different from just popping pills. That's what I do in my day job in practice. I also do quite a lot of what I would call corporate work. I do quite a lot of speaking in the corporate environment, to usually large businesses. I also sometimes deliver work life balance, wellness, effectiveness courses. That's what I was doing yesterday for example. That takes about 50% or 60% of my working time, I reckon. The rest of the time I spend writing. So, I write for my blog, obviously. I write for magazines. I've done a few pieces recently promoting the book. For, example in the Times, and I write for magazines. I wrote pieces this month, for example, for Reader's Digest. There's a fair amount of writing in my work, as well. And obviously, I write books. Every so often when I feel sufficiently motivated, one of those will happen. Mat s that like a specific moment? A “”I need to write now””, kind of a moment? Joh n a way. I've never had kids, obviously. I think sometimes women will express this idea that they want to give birth, have a baby. Immediately after, they're in a period where it's the last thing on their minds, having a baby or conception or anything. It's the last thing on their minds. I'm a bit like that with book writing. I like writing. I'm usually very much into the subject matter and wanting to get the information out there. Once it's happened, I need a bit of time off. Gradually, my enthusiasm picks up again. The analogy for me is very similar to what many women would go through with regard to childbirth. Mat o, it's a splurge every now and again. Fair play. I first came across you in the book "Waist Disposal", which you wrote specifically for men. I bought that book because my kids were calling me baggy belly at the time. Joh remember the story. Mat here's nothing to motivate me more than my kids coming up to me and slapping my stomach and going, "How's the baggy belly doing?" Joh hat's the thing about kids. They're beautifully, brutally honest. Mat hey are. They tell you the truth without fear. It was great. So, now that's where I first came across you. Obviously, you've written a new book, "Escape the Diet Trap", which I think is actually for me, better than "The Waist Disposal", because it's easier for me to understand. I don't know if it's because it's more content or what in this book, but I thought it was great. One of the things that I love is to do things differently. In this book, the thing that captures you straight away, is on the book it says, "Lose book for good without calorie counting." That's a complete opposite of what we know and what everybody's thinking these days. Why do we not need to count calories? Joh he main reason is that it doesn't work. I know theoretically it should work. If you eat less calories than you burn, they you're going to lose weight. That's what we're told. That can work, and it can also work in the short term. It can even work quite successfully in the short term. What the studies show though, Matt, is that it doesn't work in the long term. So, if you try either eating less and or exercising more, most individuals over a period of time, a year or two, will not lose significant quantities of weight. Some of them will actually end up a bit heavier than they started. So, we also know and, you may know this from your own experience, certainly there are millions of people who have been in this position. Forget what the studies show. They've experienced that. There are very few people who say, "Yes, I ate less and exercised more. I lost weight, and I kept it off." They're in the minority. Most people say, "Yeah, well, I'm kind of fed up. My diet went back to normal." Why is that? Usually we kind of assume that it's their failing that they didn't do it enough. They still ate too much, didn't exercise enough. They're a bit lazy. They're greedy. All of these, which can be self applied. I didn't do it correctly. I lack self control. I've got a weak will. Maybe I'm a bit inadequate or whatever. These things are common with people who fail with the calorie approach. As I explore in the book, there's a number of different mechanisms that come into play when someone either restricts calories or exercises more, that are essentially designed to keep the body fat, to keep the body hanging onto its fat. You've kind of gone into starvation mode. The body doesn't know this is not going to end. It basically thinks, "Oh, dear. I need to protect myself." So, it changes the levels of certain hormones, like thyroid hormones. It down tunes parts of the nervous system that stimulate metabolism, so that reduces metabolism. It also has an influence on a very important hormone called leptin. Leptin actually stimulates the metabolism and suppresses appetite. So, if levels of leptin go down as we diet, that basically suppresses the metabolism, and also makes us hungry of course. So, now we've put a big dent in the metabolism by consciously restricting calories, for example. So you might say, "Okay, I'll exercise my way out of here. I'll go to the gym more and spend more time in the gym." The problem with that is that although theoretically it works, the fundamental issue is that it doesn't burn that calories, exorcise. It really doesn't. If you've ever exercised on a piece of equipment that counts calories, you'd know this. Have you ever? Mat eah. You see the calorie numbers going up, which is great until you realize that number is equivalent to a quarter of a digestive biscuit or something like that. Joh hat's exactly it. The other problem is that when people exercise more, they tend to get hungrier. So, now they're hungry. They're not actually losing weight effectively. They're subsisting on meager portions of food, because you put a dent in your metabolism. The studies that go back 60 years, there was this very famous study that was done called the Minnesota Experiment, where they took men, put them on a diet, what they call a semi-starvation diet. They did lose weight, between 20% and 26% of their weight was lost. But, their metabolism declined by 40%. In other words, the metabolism declined to an extent far greater than you'd predict just by the fact that the body is now smaller. This is a problem, right? How are you going to make that work for you? You're not. So, instead of thinking about calories, what you might think is, that's not so important. What causes fat to get into my fat cells and stay there. It's complex, to be honest. But you know the answer to this now, because you've read a couple of my books. Basically, the nub of the issue is a hormone called insulin. Among the effects of insulin is to facilitate fat uptake in fat cells. Once it's there, it tends to keep it there. So, it's fattening. Mat o, insulin is fattening. Joh es, insulin is fattening. Mat p until I read you book, for me, insulin was in that bracket with diabetes. I didn't suffer from it at the time. I had a few friends who had to inject themselves with insulin.1 I never understood this. I just understood insulin and diabetes. They were the same thing,1 and they weren't relevant to me. But, that's not the case.1 Joh hat's right. They think insulin isn't relevant to them. There are some people, for1 example, who don't make enough insulin. These are usually what we call Type 1 Diabetics.1 They need to take insulin, and if they don't it's really bad news. It's an essential hormone.1 Also, excesses of insulin in the body can be quite damaging. So, not only is it predisposed1 to weight gain, it produces changes in the body that predispose it to things like heart1 disease and diabetes in time. So, if you make a lot of insulin over many years, you can1 eventually become unresponsive to insulin. This is called insulin resistance. That can1 lead to what we call Type 2 Diabetes.1 For a lot of people with weight issues, and certainly those who are Type 2 Diabetic or1 what we cal pre-diabetic, somewhere between normal and healthy and Type 2 Diabetes, insulin1 is very relevant. Most individuals in this situation have too much insulin. The reason1 they have too much insulin is because they usually will find some kind of calorie based1 strategy in their head which basically forces people away from fat, which is very calorific,1 towards carbohydrates, which contains per gram about half as many calories.1 [inaudible 1 ] calorie does to people. It moves them away from fat toward the foods1 that cause the most insulin secretion, which is carbohydrates. Not just sugary foods, but1 also starchy food, bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, breakfast cereals. Those sorts of food1 cause, particularly when we eat them in quantity, large amounts of insulin secretion. Then they1 can be fattening despite the fact that they don't contain any fat. Now, the other side1 of this is that fat doesn't really cause much insulin secretion. So you could drink liquefied1 butter all day and lose weight.1 The fact of the matter is that there is some evidence for that. There is a study that I1 quote in the book where they fed people nothing but saline, salt water into their veins for1 three and a half days. Then they monitored fat loss from their fat cells, which was quite1 brisk. Not surprising when you're not eating anything. On another occasion they did the1 same experiment, but they gave them fat into their vein. Basically, the changes that they1 saw in the biochemistry suggesting fat loss were essentially the same. In other words,1 they were losing fat at about the same rate as when they were consuming nothing.1 Mat et me get this right. Fat isn't fattening necessarily.1 Joh hat's right.1 Mat he low fat stuff, which is essentially carbohydrates is fattening.1 Joh es, that's about right.1 Mat hat's a sweeping generalization, but on the whole, that's what we're saying, isn't1 it?1 Joh nd they we wonder why we're having difficulty. In my view, it's not the fact1 that diets work, it's that they can't work. They absolutely set people up for failure,1 really. It's only the small minority of people that can make them work. The message is that1 it's not that people generally are not applying the principles as they should be applied.1 Most people understand what it is to eat less and exercise more. What that does is induce1 changes in the body that essentially cause the body to hang onto its fat. Then, with1 the big dent in your metabolism now, woe betide you if you go back to your original diet.1 That weight is going to return really quickly. It will often then rebound to weight that's1 a bit heavier than it started.1 For example, in that Minnesota Experiment that I told you about earlier with those men,1 when they took them off their diet, which by the way they called it semi-starvation,1 but it was actually 1600 calories a day. That's quite a lot of calories. Some diets have less1 than that. Anyway, when they let them eat what they wanted, they were what we call hyperphagic.1 They were really, really hungry. They're eating massive quantities of calories, sometimes1 4,000 calories a day. They're so hungry, because their bodies are trying to restore fat again.1 By the time they ate normally, they basically ended up with fat stores 75% higher than when1 they started. That's a disaster.1 Mat o, eat less, exercise more doesn't work.1 Joh o, you're absolutely right about that. So, what works better? I'll tell you what1 works better. If you get your insulin levels down, then you can start losing fat. If you1 lose fat, where does the fat go? It doesn't evaporate. It can go into your muscle cells1 and be burned for fuel. Here's the beauty of this. You're now basically living off of1 your own fat. You're like a hibernating bear. Your body doesn't know where that fat's come1 from. It doesn't know that you didn't eat it. It doesn't care where it's come from.1 So, don't be too surprised, when you get your diet absolutely right, and you lose fat effectively1 by getting your insulin levels down, if you're not that hungry. You're energized. You're1 well fueled, but you're not very hungry. Why not? Because what you're not eating is being1 supplemented by your belly fat. Fantastic.1 Mat o, the key then to losing weight. To harp on about this point. Let's make it really1 clear. We get insulin levels down. To do that we simply have to eat less of the foods which1 cause the spikes in insulin, i.e. carbohydrates.1 Joh es. That's right.1 Mat o, what do we eat then?1 Joh irst of all, one major take home message is thi eople really need to forget about1 calories in my view, if they're going to do this successfully. If you start thinking about1 calories again, eating the low fat version of this, and not eat too much fat, what the1 evidence shows is that for a given number of calories, high fat diets are the ones most1 effective for weight loss. The important thing there is that although that didn't make sense1 half an hour ago, it does make sense when you consider the whole insulin argument. If1 I was going to summarize how people need to eat to lose weight effectively, I would say1 that the diet needs to be quite primal. It needs to be based on foods that have been1 in the diet for a long time. Not every single food, every single moment of the day, but1 broadly that.1 We need to move away from carbohydrates, starchy carbohydrates. I wouldn't even encourage too1 much fruit, because it's sugar after all. Keep the diet based on things like meat, fish,1 eggs, nuts, seeds and a bit of fruit, vegetables. Those would be the core foods. Some foods1 that I think are not primal but can still be okay, are some dairy products. Butter is1 okay, for example. It's basically a very natural food, based on fats that have been in the1 diet forever. I think also think yogurt is quite a good food. It's relatively protein1 and fat rich as long as you have it in the full fat form, and it can make a good breakfast1 for some people. So, for example, if you took a full fat yogurt like a Greek yogurt, and1 put some berries and nuts into that, that's quite a good breakfast for most people. It's1 also quick, convenient, and I hardly meet anyone who doesn't like eating it.1 Mat t is very tasty.1 Joh t's quick. People are getting up at and going to work, they can eat it on1 the train. It works for people. On the weekend, you might think, "Well, I'll have a cooked1 breakfast." If you want to do it really healthfully, you'd eat eggs and smoked salmon. If you are1 not so bothered about processed meats, I'm a bit like that with them, you'd have bacon1 and eggs and some mushroom and tomato. This is what I ate yesterday morning before my1 long day at work. Something like that might be good for someone.1 When we're looking at lunch, we're looking at something like a meaty soup for someone1 that eats meat. Fishy if they fish and not meat. Vegetarian soup, if someone is vegetarian1 or vegan, I don't really advise it. There's nothing in it really. If you eat carrot and1 coriander soup, there's only carrots, and onion and water in it. That can't sustain1 you. That's one of the keys to losing weight. Other than just ignoring calories and concentrating1 on eating the right food, in terms of quality rather than quantity, I would say do not allow1 yourself to get very hungry. That's because when people get hungry at lunch, they want1 to eat sandwiches rather than crayfish and avocado salad or Italian meatball soup.1 Here's the thing. Even if you make the right decision in the hungry state, it's hard. Life1 doesn't need to be hard. Whatever changes you make need to be sustainable. They have1 to be, otherwise you're just going to do it for three weeks, and then back to the original.1 So, one of the things that is really important is, in order to help people eat right, they1 need to maintain their appetite at a reasonable level, and not let it run out of control.1 What does that mean? Let's say you get peckish before a meal. Let's say you've had berries1 and nuts and now you're starting to get quite peckish, because you had that at and1 it's 1 and you're getting a big peckish. You need to eat again, because you don't want1 to get into a situation where you're now thinking, "I need to eat bread." This is what happens1 to most people at lunch once they get hungry.1 Mat et's just be clear. Bread is a carbohydrate.1 Joh es, bread is a starch. Starch, by the way is sugar. Now, I know that is a bit of1 a shock, maybe. Starch is made of chains of sugar molecules. So is a bowl of rice. It's1 a bowl of sugar really. Same with a bowl of pasta. It's a bowl of sugar in essence. If1 we go for more primal fare, we're having a salad or a meaty soup or something like that,1 in order to make that easy for people, they may need to snack between their lunch and1 their breakfast, between those times. So, if they need to eat a few nuts at 1 , that's2 fine. Most people think nuts are fattening. The evidence doesn't support that. One of2 the reasons for that is that they sate the appetite effectively. So, you don't need to2 eat a lot of them to sate the appetite, and you eat less later on. You will certainly2 find it easier to eat foods that are not fattening.2 Mat ny kind of nut is okay?2 Joh ny raw or even roasted nuts.2 Mat ut not the salted.2 Joh or most of your listeners, salt will not be an issue. Very rarely, by the way,2 will someone listening to this, I suspect have a blood pressure issue. If they do or2 have a suspicion of high blood pressure, they might need to be careful. Most people are2 not in that category. If there is a blood pressure issue that people I advise do need2 to be careful with salt, and not eat salted nuts, for example. So, then they could come2 onto their meaty soup or meaty or fishy salad, and if they get hungry again between lunch2 and their evening meal, they can eat again. Most people generally go too long between2 lunch and their evening meal without eating.2 Mat t's normally about six or seven hours, isn't it?2 Joh or a lot of people I see, they have lunch at 1 , somewhere at work. In the2 city, for example. Then they get their train to Haslemere, and now it's 2 . They've2 gone eight hours. Now they're starving hungry. Not only will that generally make it harder2 for people to eat healthfully and drink healthfully, because hunger often drives drinking for people.2 They drink more when they get hungry, because it can pick the blood sugar levels up quickly.2 It also makes people irritable very often. They come through the door. They haven't been2 there all day. They spouse wants to tell them something that's happening. Their kids want2 their attention, and they're just grumpy.2 They're grumpy because their focus is not on their families. It's on food. It's on the2 fridge. They've dropped their blood sugar level. A short fuse. A few Lego bricks in2 the hallway, and it's a big deal. Stuff happens. For the sake of not just people's eating habits,2 but for their relationships, I strongly advise people not to come into their evening meals2 very hungry. There will be some people watching this that will recognize this in their spouse.2 They're out all day and come in.2 Mat ot only in themselves, but they'll recognize it in their spouse.2 Joh o, again, a few nuts at that point can just keep you out of a lot of trouble.2 Then they can sit down to piece of meat or eat some fish with vegetables, or a stew and2 some vegetables or a salad, and can eat that very comfortably and not be thinking, "Where's2 the food?" They don't need much filling up. They're not very hungry. Here's one thing2 that I sometimes say to people. It sounds paradoxical, but this is absolutely true.2 For the great majority of people, the less hungry they are, the more weight they'll lose,2 the easier they will find it to maintain that weight loss. It's the exact reverse of what2 most people would imagine.2 Mat his is why you don’t count calories, isn't it?2 Joh oing hungry to being calorie deficit and that's how they're going to lose weight2 and it's a disaster.2 Mat ecause that creates hunger. What you're saying is, if you're not hungry, you'll lose2 weight.2 Joh hat will allow you to eat foods that are generally non-fat. That's a primal diet.2 Mat n the middle of the afternoon then, between my lunch and my evening meal, I'll2 just eat some nuts, maybe some yogurt or a piece of fruit. What kind of stuff should2 I eat then?2 Joh or me, one snack that's good to have around you is nuts. The reason is they pack2 down small. They're very portable. They're very accessible. So, most people, even when2 they're moving around can have them in their handbag or brief case or coat pocket or glove2 compartment in their car. They should be accessible. You need to be able to get a hold of them.2 Otherwise you can't eat them, but not visible. A lot of us engage in what is sometimes termed2 mind receipting, so if it's there they'll eat it. Even if I'm not hungry, I'll tend2 to want to sit and eat it.2 Mat his is one of the things that I did follow in the first book, "Waist Disposal".2 I put a bowl on my desk at work, which was full of nuts. They're totally there by the2 computer. When I read the second book, I'm like, that's exactly what I do. I sit there,2 grabbing. I go through so many nuts now, just because they're there.2 Joh hat's not necessarily a bad thing. It's difficult to overeat them actually. To2 be perfectly frank, if you keep them outside, accessible to you, in your desk, not on your2 desk, that would be better. Secondly, I generally advise people to enjoy their food, but not2 too much. Sometimes, some foods can be very more-ish. I was talking to a guy yesterday2 in practice. He said that he doesn't mind not drinking, but if he starts to drink, he2 gets on a roll and he can't really stop. It's the same sort of effect you get with things2 like chocolate biscuits, where someone who's not even very hungry is offered a biscuit.2 They eat one, but now it's like they've had some crack cocaine or something. I have to2 eat six.2 Mat hat's exactly me.2 Joh ome comfort can be like that if it's, what we call, very rewarding. It's a concept2 that's out there in nutrition at the moment at how rewarding foods are. So, you want to2 enjoy your food, of course. You don't want to be eating things that you don't want to2 eat, like fish eyes. But, on the other hand, it doesn't want to be so great. Some people2 say, I really, really like roasted nuts. I don't like raw nuts as much. I go right, great,2 eat the raw ones, because you're less likely to overeat them. They're just not that appealing2 to you. You're not going to knock yourself out over a few raw almonds. That's how food2 should basically be for most of us most of the time. If it's your birthday or wedding2 anniversary, go for it. Eat the most rewarding foods you can find. As a generality, food2 should be there to enjoyed, but not too more-ish.2 Mat ne of the things that you say in the book is the 80/20 rule. 80% of what you eat2 should be this primal die he meats, the fish, the vegetables, which gives you a little2 bit of freedom in your diet. Then you won't feel guilty. Last night I had a little bit2 of dark chocolate. That's fine.2 Joh ark chocolate is fine anyway. Even if you indulged, my attitude to that is that2 it's really important to concentrate on what you eat most of the time, not some of it.2 That's what allows you to eat healthy, and then you decide it's pizza with the kids on2 a Friday night. You can actually eat that pizza and not thing, "Oh, I'm off the rails.2 I'm going to go back to my original diet and then maybe in a few months start again." You2 don't need to do that. Just make sure after that pizza, the next morning, you're back2 straight on it. You haven't erred. You've not done anything wrong. You haven't been2 weak. You just had a planned diversion from what you normally eat. That planning is quite2 important.2 One of the mental tools that I've put in the new book that wasn't in the old book is this2 idea that when you have an indulgence or a bit of an indiscretion, that you do it in2 a planned way. In other words, as you approach it, you're going to say, "I'm going to eat2 this. I'm going to enjoy it, but once I've finished it, that's that until the next time."2 So, let me just tell you from my own life, and I think might have written this in the2 book. Last year I was going to a stag weekend and I was driving down to Cornwall in the2 southwest.2 I knew it was going to be a bit messy, but I said to myself, "I'm going to more or less2 eat and drink what I like, but come Sunday night, that is the end of it. I'm not going2 to get up on Monday morning after the stag weekend and start eating rubbish. I'm just2 going to go back to what I was doing." So, I could have the weekend, not be too po-faced2 about the whole thing. Indulge a bit with alcohol and food. I knew it was only going2 to be a two day escapade. It can't be worse than that because I've set a mental limit.2 It stops Sunday night.2 When people do that, whether it's celebrating a night out or they go to some sporting event2 or it's a stag or hen weekend, then people can usually find it very easy to get off what2 they're normally eating that's generally healthy. They can have their indulgence and get straight2 back on without thinking, "I did bad. I've broken it." It's not a diet, is it? You know2 that. I don't want to put words into your mouth. We don't think, "I'm on this diet."2 You just think, 'I'm eating a lot more healthy than I did. These are the end results of eating2 this way. I don't want to go back to that, but I do want to occasionally have my odd2 treat.2 Mat hat's exactly how it is. My wife's a big fan of healthy eating. She loves the2 fact I read your book. I lost about 10 kilos in a couple of weeks. It just melted off.2 It's been over a year, and it's been great. I don't regret it at all. I eat healthy. I2 eat better.2 Joh don't want to put words in your mouth. You probably feel better, because you're actually2 nourishing your body with the correct sort of foods now. There's a self esteem thing2 that goes on here. Most people do not want to be carrying around 10 kilos of excess weight.2 They don't feel good about it usually. So, you've got that. You're now doing something2 that we hope, and I suspect, you think, "This is sustainable."2 One of the questions that I ask people if I'm working with them in practice is, let's2 say I see them after a couple of months. They've lost some weight. They're feeling great, and2 they're generally happy with what they're eating. I often ask them, "Can you see yourself3 doing this when you're 80?" Let's imagine they're 40 or 50. "Can you imagine yourself3 eating this way when you're 80?" The normal response you get without any hesitation is3 not just, "Yes, I can", it's "Why would I do it any other way?" They're looking me like,3 "Why would you ask that? Of course I'm going to be doing this when I'm 80." because they3 see it as something completely sustainable. If you're enjoying what you're eating, you3 can have occasional indulgences, you're lighter, you feel healthier. Why would you bother to3 go back to what you were doing before? It's a no-brainer for people. Tell me how many3 diets are like that for people. With most people, once they start, within a few days3 or a couple of weeks, they're like, "I don't know how long I can put up with this."3 Mat hat's why the title is spot on. "Escape the Diet Trap". You're not on a diet. It's3 a lifestyle change. It's a much better result.3 Joh he important thing about this, because I think knowledge is power. Once you understand3 what is going on in the body, and you apply it. Then you get the result what you're looking3 for. The word I use to describe it is that people are liberated. They're liberated. They3 go from thinking about calories and thinking that hunger is the way through and exercising3 themselves into oblivion on treadmills and whatever, to basically doing something that3 they actually enjoy more and is giving them better results.3 Mat here was a lady in your book. You use a lot of stories in your new book. There's3 a lady, her initials are N.C. You know who I'm talking about?3 Joh do.3 Mat was reading her story, and I was amazed. She talks about how she tried every diet going3 under the sun. She would lose weight. Put it on. Lose weight. Put it on. She got a hold3 of your stuff. I don't know what the length of time was, but she loses eight stone, which3 is over a hundred pounds or 50 kilos in my language and 40 inches off her body size.3 She also talks about her self esteem as well. That's not typical results, I would assume,3 but that's extraordinary.3 Joh es it is. I say it's not typical because most people have stones and stones to lose,3 although we have a bit of an obesity issue here in the country. People like her are relatively3 rare. What is common is this experience of losing weight, putting it on, losing weight,3 putting it on. Trying lots of different things with nothing really working. She actually3 read "Waist Disposal". Now, she's a woman