La Jolla/San Diego Liposuction - Umansky Medical Center

DR. WILLIAM UMANSK ynecomastia is condition where men have excessive breast tissue. This condition is very, very common. I think most men don’t realize how common it is, and when they first inquire about treatment, they often feel like they're alone, and that you know, it's kind of an isolated situation, and I think they're often relieved to find out how common it is. It can be caused by either excessive fatty tissue in the breast, excessive fibrous tissue which is a denser thicker tissue, or sometimes a combination of both. We do provide a lot of gynecomastia treatments, and we are able to deal with whatever gynecomastia someone might have. The process is a patient will come in for initial evaluation, and at that time we can determine what approach is going to work best, whether it's an approach with liposuction using our smart-lipo system which incorporates a laser to help tighten up the skin, or whether it's going to require a surgical excision where we actually have to cut out some of the fibrous tissue, or sometimes a combination of both. Once we determine what the patient needs, then we can move forward in terms of planning the procedure, which is usually a pretty straight forward procedure which might have a one to two hour surgical duration. The recovery is usually pretty straight forward. Most of the time we will have the patient wear a compression type of garment to minimize the swelling post-operatively, and I find that most patients are able to get back to their normal activities within a few days. The results are very significant with this procedure. Most men will notice an improvement within the first week. Usually by a month's time patients feel very comfortable going without their short, which for a lot of men is really the first time that they've been able to do it in many years. The tremendous improvement in self-esteem and confidence is really tangible, and this is a procedure that has a very, very high satisfaction rate.