How to Treat Facial Redness and Red Blotches [ Epi #50]

People with red blotches or broken blood vessels on their face are frustrated by their inability to find effective skin care products to help them with their problem. Here are the treatment choice 27First and easiest is make-up. Green tinted foundation most effectively helps hide the red because green is opposite red in the color wheel (i.e., they neutralize each other). Second are caffeine-containing products that are advertised to help reduce the size of blood vessels. If you constrict the blood vessels you will squeeze some blood out and there will be less red in the skin. The reality, though, is caffeine containing products usually work better to relieve the signs of Rosacea because of their anti-inflammatory powers than they do to really get the red out of your skin. Next are topical cortisone products which constrict the blood vessels very well and get the red out very effectively. However, the problem is you can not use them on an on-going basis. If you use them for too long after they have temporarily helped the redness, they will actually break the capillaries, cause more redness and thin the skin. So this isn't an option. Lastly and the only thing that really works is laser treatments. Laser treatments by your dermatologist will permanently, easily, and without pain get rid of the red whether it's blotches or broken blood vessels. Hopefully in the near future an effective skin care product will be developed to reduce the red in your skin but until then you are either going to use make-up to cover it or have laser treatments to remove it permanently.