Fix for Sudden Hair Loss [ Epi #424]

If you think you're suddenly losing hair, you'll be surprised by this simple technique that usually helps to reduce your hair loss. When most people think they're losing hair, they shampoo less often because they think and fear that the gentle tugging of their hair during hair washing will increase their hair loss. Actually, that's just the opposite of what you should do. If you think you're losing hair, believe it or not, you should shampoo more often! Normally, we're all supposed to lose about 100 to 150 hairs every day and also start growing the same number daily, resulting in no net change. But most people experience some degree of increased seasonal hair shedding in the fall and some of us have increased shedding at other times for no apparent reason. Fortunately, both are usually short lived and three to six months later, we re-grow the excess hairs that were shed to restore our normal amount of hair. But regardless of cause, when most people see increased shedding, they immediately think that shampooing is causing it or making it worse since they see so many of those extra shed hairs in the shower. So, they fall for the oldest trick in the book and immediately decrease their frequency of shampooing. Well, one of the most common causes of increased shedding is temporary seborrhea (dandruff). Guess what it's treated by? Increased shampooing. Sure, during this increased shampooing hairs will fall out, but it will be those which were ready to fall out and would have fallen out in the next day or two by themselves even if you didn't shampoo. Gentle and normal shampooing never affects hairs adversely. And since shampooing actually helps treat seborrhea (dandruff) which can contribute to increased hair loss, if your shedding increases, shampoo more often, not lessโ€ฆ it may actually help reduce the extra shedding by controlling the seborrhea. Oh, and just because you don't see white flakes on your shoulders doesn't mean you don't have seborrhea or dandruff because it often only results in increased oiliness of your hair and scalp so it's not that obvious. Now for today's skincare trivia! Answer today's question correctly and you'll be entered in a drawing to win a free skincare product! Submit your answer at DermTV Dot Com Slash Trivia, within three days of this episode's airing. Today's question i 35Does cutting your hair more often make it grow faster or thicker, and why? And don't forget. You can find the answer to all questions in past DermTV episodes.