Murad ight with your Acne! (1)

The following is a paid presentation for Acne Complex?, the four week acne fighting solution by Dr Howard Murad. When I had Acne, I lost my self-confidence and just lost who I was. I was just really sad. I was thirty years old still had acne. Fourty years old, still had acne. It was so humiliating. I've tried everything that they have on the market to try clear my skin and nothing has worked for me. I had tried Clean and Clear?, Neutrogena?, I had even tried Proactiv? and it seemed like all of them just dried out my skin and made it more irritated. You know, I had a pizza face. That was actually something it was called. I didn't have just a really good self -image, I didn't feel pretty. I got clear with acne complex in four weeks and I'm still clear, and it's been three years. I have no redness no breakouts. My name's Brian Pereira and I'm a top ranked judo fighter. I had severe acne for seven years and I got cleared with Acne Complex? in three weeks. For 25 years I suffered from severe Acne and with Murad in less than a week I was completely cleared up. After spending 12 years trying to cover everything up within four weeks it's just gone. I had acne for five years and I got clear with Acne Complex?. It's just great to walk out the door and not have to worry about putting on make up. Life is just good. All of these people spent years suffering from red dry irritated skin and painful acne. Then they discovered Murad Acne Complex? a truly different way to heal acne breakouts that's actually good for your skin. I didn't feel a dryness, I didn't feel irritation, like it wasn't hurting like it normally does like when I use other products. Acne Complex? is the three-step Acne fighting system clinically proven to have a 90% success rate in just four weeks. Some people see results even faster, this is Gillian, she got clear with Acne Complex? in just 10 days. Acne Complex? saved my skin in 10 days, there's no bumps, there's no redness, my skin's completely changed. And even if you suffer from adult acne, Murad acne complex really can heal your breakouts faster than you ever thought possible. Acne Complex? was recently named editors choice by inStyle magazine and already more than million people around the world trust their faces to this breakout breakthrough. Acne Complex? was developed by Dr. Howard Murad. Vogue magazine named Dr. Murad one of the nations best dermatologists. Elle Magazine calls Dr. Murad a "Beauty Genius". And he's been awarded 18 patents for his research on skin care and skin health. We want to make your skin healthy, that's the most important thing. With Murad you really are getting a different quality of formula. You're getting the finest quality Pharmaceutical -Grade ingredients to fight your acne and to make your skin as healthy as possible. In addition to being both a pharmacist and a dermatologist, Dr. Murad has personally treated over 50,000 patients. In fact every person you'll see in this program is a genuine Murad customer who got real results with Dr. Murad's Acne Complex? system. We don't want to use celebrities to sell Acne Complex? because at the end of the day we don't think you should buy Acne Complex? because celebrities use it. We'd rather spend dollars on research and science and the quality of the product you are going to get. We are not paid actors. We saw the Acne Complex? commercial on TV and we gave it a try. And now, we have clear skin. Coming u e put Acne Complex? to the ultimate test when real people just like you take the Murad Clear Skin Challenge. I took the Clear Skin Challenge and my skin cleared up in just 10 days. Plus, some products treat your pimple with harsh ingredients that can dry out and irritate your skin. See why Acne Complex? clears away breakouts while actually soothing and hydrating your skin at the same time. And she went from embarrassing breakouts to beautiful bride in just 4 weeks. It's a Clear Skin Challenge success story you won't want to miss. And later, try Acne Complex? and takakthe Clear Skin Challenge yourself, risk free, with our full 60 Day Bottom-of-the-Bottle money back guarantee. Plus get $60 worth of free gifts just for trying Acne Complex?. So if you want proof that Acne Complex? really is different from any other acne product you've tried in the past, keep watching, because the next few minutes could change your life, not to mention your skin. SF ypewriter. I've had acne for about six years, Ah, I think I started getting it when I was in about 7th, 8th grade. I've struggled with acne I would say for at least the past 12 years since I was about 16 years old. It's embarrassing, it hinders me going out or even my self confidence. If you have acne and you're watching this program right now, it's not like the light bulb is going off today and you're going oh I should really do something about that. You're always trying to do something with your acne, you're always trying new products. And it's not just the money, and it's not just the time, frankly it's the emotional disappointment of putting so much hope time and time again into another product that doesn't deliver the results. I've tried Acutane and Dermalogica. I've tried Proactiv which didn't work out for me, and I've tried one of those crazy little diet things, that didn't work either, nothing no results. We get that as a consumer that you are skeptical, and that's why we created the Clear Skin Challenge. At Murad we don't offer promises about our Acne product, we offer proof. If you have a product that will make me wake up tomorrow with my skin clear ill try it out. Four weeks later my face is clear, it really really does work. I'm not a paid actor it really does work. It's nice, it smells good. Right away what we should start seeing is the redness should start going down, your skin should feel soft. I've tried 20 plus products and I'm just crossing my fingers that this one will work for me. I had breakouts for years and in 10 days with Acne Complex? my skin got clear. I'm just a real person who decided to take the Clear Skin Challenge; my skin has completely cleared up. I've tried at least 30 or 40 different acne products and I still have breakouts. Finally I have healthy skin. ...With a little bit of water...we'll have you lather it... Oh yeah, oh my god its tingling. To have clear skin would mean that I'd be the happiest person in the world, I would, I really would. And now I have clear skin. I had a boy come up to me and he's just like wow, you're beautiful. When I have Acne, like I don't feel as confident about myself. I can't even believe that was me four weeks ago. I love it, I feel great to go out, I'm finally clear for the first time and it's awesome. I've tried 3 different products in the last months and nothing's made my face better. I never knew that a product could work so well that's pretty crazy to have a face go from like red spots everywhere to nothing. I took the Clear Skin Challenge and it worked for me. I'm feeling great. Dr. Murad is recognized by the professional community as an innovator, as a pioneer in skin care and more importantly skin health. He's really transformed the way we treat acne but more importantly he's transformed skin care itself. So many acne products just treat acne, the Acne Complex? system has been designed to treat the person. Now people have redness, and the redness could be acne, but sometimes it's rosacea, sometimes it's folliculitus, sometimes it's eczema, sometimes it's perioral dermatitis, there are all kinds of things that can produce redness on the skin, the Acne Complex? system has ingredients that reduce the redness, make the skin healthy. So regardless of whether you have acne, or you have some of these other problems we're reducing the redness were making your skin look as healthy and as beautiful as possible. I've had acne for 12 years and it just didn't go away no matter what I did, it was really bad. There were people in my life at the time that would say, oh you're really beautiful except for your acne. My acne really made me feel like I wasn't good enough for anything. laughs Acne Complex? cleared up my face in 4 weeks, I had spent 12 years at that point trying to get clear and in 4 weeks it was all gone. I had tried Clean and Clear, Neutrogena, I had even tried Proactiv and it seemed like all of them just dried out my skin and made it more irritated. From the moment I tried Acne Complex? I was in love with it because everything went on so smoothly and everything just felt so much better and hydrated and moisturized and like it was being loved, you know love in your face, it's great. I decided because up in Canada there wasn't a1 Clear Skin Challenge available, so I bought1 myself a webcamera and set it up and I started taking1 pictures right away and you can see how in like a1 couple of days the redness is going away and by week1 4 its just gone, every last bit of it.1 I have my wedding coming up in a couple of weeks1 and now I can actually feel great about how my1 skin looks ah, this is the event that I've been1 waiting my whole life for.1 My fianc? can't believe I ever had acne he just says1 well you have such beautiful skin how could1 you have ever had a problem?1 And that made me feel so happy.1 You wouldn't think that an ordinary person like me1 would have this life changing experience and be1 able to share it with everyone.1 Acne Complex? is a completely different1 approach to healing your acne breakouts.1 The very first time you apply Acne Complex?,1 you'll feel hydration and suppleness returning to1 your skin as tightness and redness instantly start to1 fade away.1 One of the misconceptions of all times is that in1 order for an acne product to work it's got to make1 your skin tight and dry, and that's so wrong when1 we make the skin tight and dry what we're doing is1 damaging the skin.1 Unlike Proactiv, Acne Complex? contains no harsh1 Benzoyl Peroxide.1 I do not use Benzoyl Peroxide in the Murad Acne1 Complex? because actually while Benzoyl Peroxide can1 treat acne, the problem with it, it can be very1 drying and very irritating.1 My recipe for clear healthy skin is simple, I1 use antioxidants to fight free radical damage,1 anti-inflammatories to address redness and1 irritation, and of course hydration to make the skin1 as healthy and supple as possible.1 The most important thing I can do for your skin is1 hydrate it.1 To add moisture, water to the skin that makes it as1 healthy as possible.1 These before and after photos are proof that no1 matter what your skin type and whether you're a1 teenager or suffer from adult acne.1 Dr. Murad's Acne Complex? system really can get you1 clear and keep you clear.1 Coming up, meet Brian a top ranked Judo fighter1 who won his fight against acne with Murad Acne Complex?.1 Plus, Sammie is a professional model who1 spends lots of time in front of the camera these1 days, but check out Sammie before she took the Clear1 Skin Challenge.1 Her amazing Acne Complex? success story is just ahead.1 And now here's your chance to get clear soft healthy1 skin in just 4 weeks guaranteed, take the Clear1 Skin Challenge yourself, right now.1 All of these people spent years suffering from red1 dry irritated skin and painful acne, then they1 discovered Murad Acne Complex?, a truly1 different way to heal acne breakouts that's actually1 good for your skin.1 Developed by world-renowned1 dermatologist Dr. Howard Murad, Acne Complex? is1 clinically proven to have a 90% success rate in just1 4 weeks.1 After spending 12 years trying to cover everything1 up within 4 weeks it's just gone.1 Even people who suffered with stubborn adult acne1 for years are seeing soft beautiful1 skin with acne complex.1 After 20 years I have clear skin and it feels1 absolutely great.1 Acne Complex? addresses all of the factors of1 redness and skin breakouts in just 3 simple steps.1 Step 1, Clarifying cleanser, this gentle but1 powerful cleanser kills over 99.9% of surface1 bacteria, deep cleans without irritation, and1 calms and soothes the skin.1 Step 2, exfoliating acne treatment gel, this1 powerful formula penetrates pores to sweep1 them super clean, retinol and glycolic acid1 eliminate excess skin cell build up, while a1 luxurious blend of botanicals calms and1 soothes the skin.1 Step 3, skin perfecting lotion.1 This ultra light oil free lotion hydrates and1 nourishes the skin instantly calming redness1 and irritation without clogging pores.1 When I put Acne Complex? on it instantly soothes1 it, it instantly feels soft, it just feels good.1 In today's confusing marketplace you could1 spend hundreds even thousands of dollars on1 prescriptions and countless acne products1 that can actually dry out your skin and even make1 your breakouts worse.1 Or you can say goodbye to acne and red irritated1 skin once for all with Murad Acne Complex?.1 Sold separately at retail the regular price of Acne