Proactiv Puts Acne in Perspective - Real Stories

>>FEMAL Um when I was 13 I wanted to be a photographer. I was like the girl in high school that always had the disposable cameras. >>FEMAL I love it. I get to work with amazing people very day. Having break outs definitely affected my business in many different aspects. I think I wasn't able to be myself with clients because I wasn't as comfortable. And not being able to be that way for a while was just really frustrating. Literally, it would hurt to smile sometimes because I had welts like around my mouth, my cheeks you know, so. Just even smiling would be painful. >>FEMAL About a month after I started Proactiv my skin looked great and I was just ready to be myself. If I am not feeling confident you will see that I am not feeling confident. If I am feeling confident you'll see it. [laughter] so Proactiv has definitely made that happen for me.