Caring for Different Skin Types reating Acne & Oily Skin

Hi, my name is Mary Thinnes, and I am a skin care expert. And I will be discussing the second skin type, oily acneic skin, and how you determine if you have oily acneic skin. Obviously, acneic skin isn't too hard to determine if you have. Obviously if you have blemishes or break outs then, and it's not hormonal or due to some other stressors, and the acne is present on a regular basis then you have acneic skin. Also acneic skin obviously is oily so they are; oily skin is in the 3 of the population. Like I mentioned before normal skin is 97% of the population has normal skin. So the other 3% of the population is either 100% oily or the other 100% is, you know, completely dry. So, with the acneic skin again they are considered a sensitive skin type at the same time. Not that they are the sensitive type of skin. It's a little confusing. Not that they are the sensitive type in the classification scale, they are just, they have very sensitive skin. So, as far as treatments go for that skin type, they should be a little bit on the non aggressive side .So, that is for oily acneic skin.