Skin Car cne ow to Say Goodbye to Pimples

Hi I'm Kim Haertl with Simply Beautiful in Austin, Texas. We are going to talk about how to say good bye to pimples. You have them all the time and they are showing up so let's talk about how to keep them from happening any more. So the first thing you have to know is what creates the pimple and pimples are a blocked pore. The pores are what brings the oil to the surface of your skin and if the oil can't come to the surface because it is blocked by dirt impurities or dead skin cells then you are going to have a break out because it is still trying to get to the surface and it is stuck in there. So what you need to do is just make sure the skin is clean of any impurities of any dead skin cells. So what we are going to do is I'm going to demonstrate with Alena who has no break outs but I'm going to show you. So we are going to wash our skin twice a day with an oil free cleanser. Most of the time they will say for normal combination or oily skin and we are going to use a toner, alcohol free is my preference but many many of them do have alcohol in them. You just don't want a high concentration of alcohol so you cleanse and tone once or twice a week I'm going to ask you to exfoliate which are beads and what it does let me just do it on this side, and we are going to just take a quarter size and on damp skin just gently gently gently in circular motions what we are doing is we are getting those dead skin cells off. Alena if it's o'kay with you I'm going to leave that there while I demonstrate the other side. Once or twice a week again I'm going to ask you to use a clay mask. So if you want to do it at the same time, you'll cleanse, you'll tone, you'll exfoliate, and then you'll mask. Clay masks, this is dead skin cells, getting rid of and this is the dirt impurities from the surface. This also draws them up from the skin pores, deeper in the skin pores. So you'll put that on relatively thickly, leave it on for 8 to 12 minutes, don't let it dry on your skin and then rinse it off with warm water and then follow that with cool. You want to make sure you are using maybe a Benzol Peroxide product that dries out the surface of the pimple or a hydrator which is a water based moisturizer that won't add any more oil to your skin. So we are going to keep the surface of your skin clean by cleansing a couple of times a day, change your pillow case every two or three days, keep your hands away from your face and use a sun screen to prevent scarring and Alena we're going to get her cleaned up now.