Information on How to Really Cure Acne

In taking a look around especially online these days, it is interesting to note exactly where we are as far as an acne cure goes. Most of the information and advice you will see on an how to cure acne is squarely directed at doing something to your skin. Its quite amazing that in this day and age the biggest and best products that are still being heavily promoted as cures for acne involve washing, scrubbing, disinfecting or in some way pounding away at your skin. The real causes of acne are quite well known and although acne loudly shows itself on the skin, it is not in itself the cause of the problem. Acne doesn't cause acne so it follows that treating acne will not stop acne. It is this endless treatment of symptoms instead of causes that makes most programs ineffective. There are the usual stories that acne is caused by bacteria on the skin and that bacteria infects the skin pores. Well the truth of that is that everyone has the acne causing bacteria on their skin but not everyone has acne. There is the idea that acne is cased by blocked pores from either an over-production of oils on the skin or from dead skin cells. Based on that theory you are sold an endless stream of products that claim to keep your pores unblocked. At no time do they even get into the question as to why those pores are blocked in the first place! Why do you have these strangely defective pores that can’t seem to keep themselves unblocked?! The list of reasons why you have acne put out by these sources just goes on and on yet all any of them ever offer is to provide relief from symptoms or faster healing for an existing acne outbreak. An acne cure treatment would be a treatment that actually gets to the root cause of why acne occurs in the first place and deals with it at the source. It would have to be a natural acne cure that seeks to balance or correct whatever it is in your body that is causing the pores to get blocked and infected. An acne treatment that addresses why you are prone to infection or to over production of oils on the skin or any of the other "reasons" you have acne. I say a natural acne treatment because as it stands today, the only acne cures offered by the medical profession are artificial hormone treatments, anti-biotics or drug treatments that can have some pretty serious side effects. The real causes of acne are found somewhere within the evil trio of diet, hormones and stress. Even the so-called experts will acknowledge that... just before they try to sell you another cream, lotion or " Simple 25 Step Cleansing Routine" that in no way addresses these points. The real trick is to find and follow an acne cure system that directly addresses these points. A program that isolates the causes of YOUR acne as they apply to YOU and provides a straightforward plan for you to follow in order to cure your acne once and for all. For a look at some of the best acne treatment programs available today go t